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n. Christianity
The doctrine stating that Jesus will reign on earth for 1,000 years.

[New Latin chīliasmus, from Late Latin chīlias, chiliad; see chiliad.]

chil′i·ast′ (-ăst′, -əst) n.
chil′i·as′tic adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.chiliastic - relating to or believing in the millennium of peace and happiness
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References in periodicals archive ?
The substance of such divine revelations might be doctrinal, soteriological, apocalyptic, millenarian or chiliastic, (5) orthodox or heretical, entirely religious or also political'.
The fact that the Mexico Revolution is evaluated in Arce's first chapter speaks to this commonplace: namely, that 1910 marks a chiliastic break with past social oppression.
(3) What emerges from these manifold Utopias, be they chiliastic or banal, is the archetypal collage of a perfect parent who gives everything without demanding anything in return.
The Millennium has all the specific characteristics of the violent and rebellious psychology of teenagers; the chiliastic movements and sects are reminiscent of some anarchic "gangs" contesting the paternal authority of the Church.
He had initially the frenzied support of the lower orders in Iran, whose chiliastic yearnings fused with expectations of material gain provided the bedrock of his social support.
His views on Israel provide a clear example of how Israel can be imagined as a contemporary state and inheritor of biblical traditions but without chiliastic or cult-like fantasies.
Ascherham connected his doctrine of twofold wisdom with a chiliastic interpretation of salvation history that also was directed polemically against the Hutterites.
Insisting on the theological cogency of "Revelation" would impose a false limit on any study of our history of eschatological (and chiliastic) dread.
In some variants, slightly more sophisticated than the fifth column theory, as formulated by the early 1950s, communism was identified as a political religion, driven by chiliastic fervour to slaughter real people in a quest for human perfectibility.
The latter term refers to a specific kind of judgment: so-called chiliastic judgments.
Kenotic compassion stands apart from individualistic notions of rights that involves efforts to change traditional Christian marriage in a social experiment similar in some ways to other costly, secular, chiliastic efforts of the past century.
(233) In this intensely moral and admittedly chiliastic sense liberalism is no philosophy of the end of history (pace Fukuyama).