Progressive Conservative

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Progressive Conservative

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a member or supporter of the Progressive Conservative Party, a federal Canadian political party from 1942 to 2003
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As of April 1, 2019, Elections PEI listed 73 candidates as officially registered, as follows: 17 Green Party, two Independent, 23 Liberal Party, six New Democratic Party, and 25 Progressive Conservative Party.
Sabawy is a Canadian politician, who was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in the 2018 provincial election as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.
Boles later said on Twitter he would sit as an "Independent Progressive Conservative." //Petra// RZ 02/04/2019 11:48:39
Big at the box office: Antz 1988 Former South Korean president Chun Doo-hwan publicly apologises for corruption during his time in office and announces he will go into exile, US President Ronald Reagan signs a bill legislating for the death penalty to be available in drug trafficking cases, and, in Canada, Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservative Party win a second term in government.
In challenging the Liberals, Progressive Conservative candidates targeted ethnocultural communities in Metro Toronto.
Gay marriage may be legal, but kids are still bullied for being gay, beleaguered small-town queer youth still flee to the big city and, in Ontario, newly elected Progressive Conservative Premier Doug Ford has scrapped a sex-ed curriculum that acknowledged LGBTQ lives.
Barisan Nasional (BN) will likely end up dissolving like Canada's Progressive Conservative Party (PCP) if the coalition insists on implementing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), Damansara MP Tony Pua said today.
Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Patrick Brown announced in a statement early Thursday that he would leave after consulting with caucus, friends and family, ABC News reported.
Most recently, he was the 16th Premier of Alberta, leading the province's Progressive Conservative Party.
What started out as careful politics morphed into a massive humanitarian undertaking, thanks in large part to the work of individual parliamentarians, most notably Progressive Conservative cabinet minister Flora MacDonald, said Clark.
William Howard Taft: The Travails of a Progressive Conservative. By Jonathan Lurie.

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