progress payment

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progress payment

(Commerce) an instalment of a larger payment made to a contractor for work carried out up to a specified stage of the job
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

progress payment

Payment made as work progresses under a contract, upon the basis of costs incurred, of percentage of completion accomplished, or of a particular stage of completion. The term does not include payments for partial deliveries accepted by the Government under a contract or partial payments on contract termination claims.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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(5) Again, in its simplest terms, the government can withhold a maximum of 10 percent of each progress payment as retainage, until 50 percent of the total work is completed.
As the enforceability of prospective lien releases remains a debatable issue under Washington law, perhaps the safest course for owners and developers entails the execution of conditional and unconditional lien release agreements at each progress payment and in exchange for final payment.
"Since construction services are a continuous process, then VAT is due at the earlier of the due date or the actual payment and VAT becomes due for each progress payment at the earliest of the issue of the invoice or the date of actual payment," he said.
Paired sample t-tests demonstrated a statistical difference between the tender cost estimates and the progress payment amounts, and between the estimated amounts of very hard rock excavation and the actual amounts of very hard rock excavation.
The modes of utilisation are Tawarroq, progress payment, multi bonds, documentary credit and Murabahah financing.
If the contractor defaults and the surety is required to step in and complete the project, the doctrine of equitable subrogation allows the surety to "stand[] in the shoes" of the contractor (20) and receive all future progress payments. (21) But even before a contractor defaults, a surety can claim that default is imminent and demand that the government send the progress payment to the surety, rather than the contractor.
We believe linking successful contractor performance to progress payment rates and liquidation rates would provide an effective incentive.
Chapters address the construction industry in Europe and organization processes; contract documents; procurement approaches; communications, information, and documentation; site setup and construction processes; machinery and equipment; productivity and performance; quality, innovation, and knowledge management; health and safety, environmental and sustainability, supply chain, resources, and claims and change management; progress payment; and project closeout.
Traditionally, the first progress payment is due to the PCC after 60 to 90 days from certification of its site construction works.
* If the contract provides for one or more progress payments to be paid to the home improvement contractor by the owner before substantial completion or the work, a schedule of such progress payments showing the amount of each payment, as a sum in dollars and cents, and specifically identifying the state of completion of the work or services to be performed, including any materials to be supplied before each such progress payment is due.
This is the third progress payment by Baogang which has now invested a total of A$24M into the Joint Venture.
In other words, where a progress payment determined by an adjudicator is in excess of the progress payment finally determined in accordance with the contract (for example, by arbitration or a court), interest would be charged on the amount of the overpayment.
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