programming skills

programming skills

pl n
(Computer Science) computing the skills required to write a program so that data may be processed by a computer
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In general, [it] is not that impressive and its 'success' was probably due to a large amount of luck rather than any programming skills possessed by the author." Morris didn't pick the lock to the Arpanet computers, so much as find the key someone had left under the mat.
In a series of recent studies, Schacter has used this unconscious, implicit memory to teach computer vocabulary and programming skills to amnesiacs.
Faizan also works as a voluntary teacher and has mentored more than 200 students from underprivileged households and equipped them with computer programming skills.
She said: "Some of the programming skills pupils learn are not part of the curriculum here in Wales.
The collection is intended both to help contestants at future contests practice, and to help college students polish their programming skills. The sections cover fundamental programming skills, experiments for linear lists, experiments for trees, and experiments for graphs.
Beginning with a brief overviews of recommended C programming skills and general object oriented programming, the guide covers topics such as working in the integrated development environment, project organization, Cocoa classes and events, memory management, views, interface aspects, working with iOS frameworks for audio, video, and other phone services.
NORTHBORO - Four students from Algonquin Regional High School demonstrated superior mathematical and computer programming skills and achieved third place honors at the 25th annual High School Programming Contest, held March 14 at Providence College.
A STUDENT who pocketed EUR211,717 from a pirate music website yesterday told a court he set it up in his bedroom merely to brush up on his computer programming skills.
In its new edition it tells how to become a programming entrepreneur, using a step-by-step format to cover all the basics of building, marketing and selling programming skills to specialized audiences.
This text has been designed not as a dumbed-down graduate level text, but as a consciously undergraduate presentation of the fundamentals of multibody dynamics along with the computational and programming skills necessary to address the problems in a contemporary context.
This opens the door for people with very limited computer programming skills - or even none at all - to design complex web pages.

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