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(Education) (in Europe) a school that prepares pupils for secondary education (the gymnasium)
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Vileisis progymnasium and explication of space communication
Petras Vileisis Progymnasium in Vilnius has been chosen for this purpose due to two reasons: a) well-established traditions of bilingual education (CLIL (English, German) and EMILE approaches facilitated by teachers) and b) successfully implemented CLIL related projects in the past (CLIL project Development of Content and Language Integrated Learning in the Teaching Process, 2011-2013).
The Progymnasium, the lower and upper schools of the Gymnasium, are the responsibility of FGZ.
The Progymnasium and the lower and upper schools of the Gymnasium are housed in FGZ in Zurich's Seefeld district.
In a provisional list, the famous circular Progymnasium at Lorch completed in 1973 comes no earlier than 29th, and the triangular Hauptschule next door to it 34th.(1) Operating with young architects often on their first job who move on after a few years, the office has changed its composition often; of the original partners only two, Behnisch and Sabatke, remain.
The "progymnasium" offers seventh and eighth grade teaching to pupils who have a good base in both English and German, and who have made it a personal goal to transfer to the Gymnasium or international school in the ninth grade.