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n.1.One who makes, or holds to, progress; a progressionist.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Au PPS dont le rAaAaAeA@fAaAaAeA@rentiel se fonde sur la pensAaAaAeA@e progressist idAaAaAeA@aux de la dAaAaAeA@mocratie, de la libertAaAaAeA@, de l'AaAaAeA@galitAaAaAeA@, de l de la modernitAaAaAeA@ et des droits humains, a-t-il dit, l'AaAaAeA@ducation gAaAaAeA@nAaAaAeA@rations est le fondement de base de toute oeuvre de dAaAaAeA@moc
"Macron bills himself as the progressist versus conservatives, Le Pen as the patriot versus the globalists."
We also give our thanks to all of the women who were included in this study and to the Beccaria Association for Assistance to Victims and the Progressist Women Federation for their help in gaining access to the abused women in the experimental group.
Tumanovas chapter 3, for example, investigates several organizations with Kadet, Octobrist, Progressist, Menshevik, and Narodnik leaders.
Paradoxically, in the middle of a progressist discourse about training periods--"[...] is the instrument of the student's integration and knowledge with the social and economic reality of his/her region and the work in his/her area.
Hammami asserted that the consultations with several progressist forces effectively started to form a large democratic popular front which will constitute, he estimated, the "only means to face up the multiple attempts of the retrograde forces to thwart the revolution."
"Nessma is the progressist channel in the Maghreb and we will not be deterred.

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