
Also found in: Idioms.


(klætʃ; Scottish klɑːtʃ)
1. a squelching sound
2. a sloppy piece of work
3. a sloppy mass: a clatch of sludge.
vb (tr)
to make in a sloppy way
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Tonight there is a bluesrock show which features the hardgigging Gerry Jablonski Band and Half Deaf Clatch in tandem.
Also on stage on Friday will be Andrew 'Half Deaf Clatch' McLatchie, an extremely talented young British blues guitarist/vocalist who was nominated for Best British Acoustic Blues Guitarist in 2014.
They beat How Askew from Newcastle, The Sugar Bs from Teesside, The Hookahs from Ashington, Tom Adams from Brampton and Half Deaf Clatch from near Hull in a hard-fought musical fight at Redcar Blues Club.
In the running are Half Deaf Clatch from Anlaby, near Hull, Street Corner Blues from Carlisle, How Askew from Newcastle, The Sugar B's from Hartlepool, The Hookahs from Ashington and Tom Adams from Brampton, Cumbria.
A "bipartisan" clatch of four Republican senators, Joseph Lieberman, and Democrat Mark Begich--whose Alaskan caribou might just about be in range of the Nork rocket--took the occasion to demand more money for Star Wars.
CLATCH (cletch= a brood)--CLAUGHT (a sudden snatch)
Clatch fears that the city woman has converted Lena to some "heathen religion" (158) or "creed" (159) after Lena tells her that the city women claimed that an illegitimate baby "was as good as a young one born in holy wedlock, to man and wife" (160).
The building's inexpensive rents and proximity to the state capitol have made it a haven for the clatch of public interest and grassroots organizations that lobby the California Legislature.
Acts listed to appear are How Askew, Sheik Your Mojo, Lee Bates & Billy Newton, Half Deaf Clatch, John Whitehill's Groove-A-Matics and Greg Wilson & the Big Caffeine Fix.
CLATCH clobber; the vast amount of junk glaciologists in particular carry around
Suyko (Cary-Grove) 11-10, Clatch (Carmel Catholic) 9-8, Hendrich (Hersey) 16-16, Del Mar (Palatine) 13-13, Gomez (Round Lake) 9-9, McCreary (Lake Zurich) 9-9, Reyes (Larkin) 7-7.