Claude Monet

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Related to Claude Monet: Impressionism
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Noun1.Claude Monet - French impressionist painter (1840-1926)Claude Monet - French impressionist painter (1840-1926)
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Arts Minister Rebecca Pow has placed a temporary export bar on Claude Monet's 'Le Palais Ducal' in the hope that a UK buyer can be found to keep the work in the country.
AN "undisputed" masterpiece by French Impressionist Claude Monet has smashed world records by selling for nearly PS86m.
An iconic painting from Impressionist artist Claude Monet's "Haystacks" series has been sold for a record price at auction in New York.
"A Colorful Tail: Finding Monet at Giverny" by Joan Waites is brightly illustrated picture book tale is a delightful and entertaining introduction to Claude Monet for children ages 5-6 and an especially recommended addition to family, elementary school, and community library collections.
Famous French impressionist Claude Monet's 'Luncheon on the Grass' ("Le dejeuner sur l'herbe") will take center stage in the exhibition, and the priceless painting was unpacked in Taipei on Nov.
1840: Impressionist painter Claude Monet was born in Paris.
The exact scene that master impressionist Claude Monet had dreamed of was right in front of me, in the village of Kitagawa.
Aside from their French heritage, the artist Claude Monet and the composer Georges Bizet share another commonality--both of their surnames end with the digraph ET which is pronounced like a long "A".
Visitors will see the work of famous names - Claude Monet, Pierre Bonnard, Lucien Pissarro, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones, William Morris, Stanley Spencer and more.
ILondon for a spot of sightseeing and shopping then chances are you'll be tempted to see the much-hyped Claude Monet exhibition running at The National Gallery.
If you're popping into London for a spot of sightseeing and shopping then chances are you'll be tempted to see the much-hyped Claude Monet exhibition running at The National Gallery.
Summary: French artist Claude Monet's glasses were sold in an auction to an unnamed Asian buyer