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References in periodicals archive ?
The Richest Man in Babylon is a book written by George Classon on personal finance.
They levelled in the 86th when Quaison's shot took a wicked deflection off defender Haavard Nordtveit and, as the clock ticked past 90 minutes, Quaison then steered Classon's pass beyond Jarstein to put the Swedes aheead.
The buildings, located at 701 & 703 Fulton Street, 173 Lexington Avenue, and 451 Classon Avenue, total approximately 15,500 s/f.
Chairman of the board of directors, Rolf Classon, said, 'We are excited to have Murray Kessler, a highly successful business executive, join Perrigo as its next CEO.
Vikram Krishnasamy, MD [1,2]; Lauren Stevenson, MHS [2,3]; Lia Koski, MPH [2,4]; Marilee Kellis, MPH [5]; Betsy Schroeder, DVM [6]; Madhura Sundararajan, MPH [6]; Stephen Ladd-Wilson, MS [7]; Ashley Sampsel [7]; Mike Mannell, MPH [8]; Andrew Classon [2]; Darlene Wagner, PhD [2,9]; Kelley Hise, MPH [2]; Heather Carleton, PhD [2]; Eija Trees, DVM, PhD [2]; Linda Schlater, DVM [10]; Kristina Lantz, DVM [10]; Megin Nichols, DVM [2]
(16) Koblar, S.A., Turnley, A.M., Classon, B.J., Reid, K.L., Ware, C.B., Cheema, S.S., Murphy, M.
Lafayette and Classon Avenues    
A long duration of hearing loss negatively affects the cognitive and phonological skills that underpin language comprehension (Classon, Rudner, & Ronnberg, 2013; Kral & Eggermont, 2007; Lederberg, Schick, & Spencer, 2013; Lyxell et al., 1998; Ronnberg et al., 2013), which might negatively influence ToM development (Slade & Ruffman, 2005).
Four of the six properties are in Dublin and include the mixed use Arena Centre in Tallaght, Ormond Building in Dublin city centre, Classon House in Dublin 14 and Parnell Car Park in Dublin 1.
Smith's Brooklyn Directory for 1857, whose period of compilation ended May 1, 1857, lists him as an editor, and gives his residence as 91 Classon Avenue." (78) Holloway relies on this evidence twice in his "Introduction" the second time explaining "that he was in charge of the paper on May 1, 1857, has been shown by a citation of the city directory." (79) Though he suggests that Whitman assumed the editorship "possibly earlier" than that date and includes two earlier articles in an appendix entitled "Articles of Possible Whitman Authorship" Holloway begins his chronology of Whitman's editorship on the seemingly safe date of May 1.