take in

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Related to take in: take over


v. took (to͝ok), tak·en (tā′kən), tak·ing, takes
1. To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially:
a. To grasp or grip: take your partner's hand.
b. To capture physically; seize: take an enemy fortress.
c. To seize with authority or legal right: The town took the land by eminent domain.
d. To get possession of (fish or game, for example) by capturing or killing.
e. Sports To catch or receive (a ball or puck): The player took the pass on the fly.
f. Sports & Games To acquire in a game or competition; win: took the crown in horse racing.
g. Sports & Games To defeat: Our team took the visitors three to one.
h. To engage in sex with.
2. To remove or cause to be absent, especially:
a. To remove with the hands or an instrument: I took the dishes from the sink. The dentist took two molars.
b. To cause to die; kill or destroy: The blight took these tomatoes.
c. To subtract: If you take 10 from 30, you get 20.
d. To exact: The storm took its toll.
3. To affect in a strong or sudden manner as if by capturing, as:
a. To deal a blow to; strike or hit: The boxer took his opponent a sharp jab to the ribs.
b. To delight or captivate: She was taken by the puppy.
c. To catch or affect with a particular action: Your remark took me by surprise.
a. To carry in one's possession: Don't forget to take your umbrella. See Usage Note at bring.
b. To convey by transportation: This bus will take you to Dallas.
c. To lead or cause to go along to another place: The guide took us to the waterfall.
d. To be as a path or course for; provide a way for: The trail takes you to the lake.
5. To receive into or on the body, as:
a. To put (food or drink, for example) into the body; eat or drink: took a little soup for dinner.
b. To draw in; inhale: took a deep breath.
c. To expose one's body to (healthful or pleasurable treatment, for example): take the sun; take the waters at a spa.
6. To make use of or select for use, as:
a. To move into or assume occupancy of: She took a seat by the fireplace. The team took the field.
b. To choose for one's own use; avail oneself of the use of: We took a room in the cheaper hotel.
c. To require the use of (something): It takes money to live in this town. This camera takes 35-millimeter film.
d. To use or require (time): It only takes a few minutes to wash the car.
e. To use (something) as a means of conveyance or transportation: take a train to Pittsburgh.
f. To use (something) as a means of safety or refuge: take shelter from the storm.
g. To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle: Take a right at the next corner. I downshifted to take the corner.
a. To undertake, make, or perform: take a walk; take a decision.
b. To perceive or become aware of by one of the senses: took a quick look at the sky; took a smell of the spices.
c. To commit and apply oneself to the study of: take art lessons; take Spanish.
d. To study for with success: took a degree in law.
8. To accept, receive, or assume, as:
a. To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly: take a bribe.
b. To allow to come in; give access or admission to; admit: The boat took a lot of water but remained afloat.
c. To provide room for; accommodate: We can't take more than 100 guests.
d. To become saturated or impregnated with (dye, for example).
e. To submit to (something inflicted); undergo or suffer: didn't take his punishment well.
f. To put up with; endure or tolerate: I've had about all I can take from them.
g. To receive into a particular relation or association, as into one's care or keeping: They plan to take a new partner into the firm. We took the dog for a week.
h. To assume for oneself: take all the credit.
i. To agree to undertake or engage in (a task or duty, for example): She took the position of chair of the committee.
j. Baseball To refrain from swinging at (a pitched ball).
k. To be affected with; catch: The child took the flu.
l. To be hit or penetrated by: took a lot of punches; took a bullet in the leg.
m. To withstand: The dam took the heavy flood waters.
n. To require or have as a fitting or proper accompaniment: Transitive verbs take a direct object.
a. To accept as true; believe: I'll take your word that he's telling the truth.
b. To impose upon oneself; subject oneself to: take a vow.
c. To follow or adhere to (advice or a suggestion, for example).
d. To accept or adopt as one's own: take a stand on an issue; take an interest in local history.
e. To regard or consider in a particular relation or from a particular viewpoint: We must take the bitter with the sweet. Take the matter as settled.
f. To understand or interpret: May I take your smile as an indication of approval?
g. To consider to be equal to; reckon: We take their number at 1,000.
h. To perceive or feel; experience: I took a dislike to my neighbor's intrusions.
a. To obtain from a source; derive or draw: This book takes its title from the Bible.
b. To obtain, as through measurement or a specified procedure: took the patient's temperature.
c. To write or make a record of, especially in shorthand or cursive writing: take a letter; take notes.
d. To create (an image, likeness, or representation), as by photography: took a picture of us.
e. To include or distribute (a charge) in a financial record.
11. Informal To swindle, defraud, or cheat: You've really been taken.
a. To get something into one's possession; acquire possession: The invaders took and took, until they had everything.
b. To accept or receive something: When it comes to advice, you take but you never give.
a. To have the intended effect; operate or work: The skin graft took.
b. To start growing; root or germinate: Have the seeds taken?
c. To engage or mesh; catch, as gears or other mechanical parts.
d. To gain popularity or favor: The television series never took and was later canceled.
e. Regional To begin or engage in an activity: He took and threw the money in the river.
3. To become: He took sick.
a. A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business venture or from ticket sales at a sporting event.
b. The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time.
a. A scene filmed without interrupting the run of the camera.
b. A recording made in a single session.
3. A performer's reaction, especially to a specific situation or remark, as part of a comedy routine. Often used in combination: a double-take.
a. A physical reaction, such as a rash, indicating a successful vaccination.
b. A successful graft.
a. An attempt or a try: He got the answer on the third take.
b. An interpretation or assessment, as of an event: The mayor was asked for her take on the judge's decision.
Phrasal Verbs:
take after
1. To follow as an example: John takes after his grandfather.
2. To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character.
3. To pursue hastily: The store owner took after the thief.
take apart
1. To divide into parts; disassemble or dismantle.
2. To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses.
3. Slang To beat up or defeat soundly; thrash.
take back
To retract (something stated or written).
take down
1. To bring to a lower position from a higher one.
2. To take apart; dismantle: take down the Christmas tree.
3. To lower the arrogance or the self-esteem of (a person): really took him down during the debate.
4. To put down in writing: take down a letter.
take for
1. To regard as: Do you take me for a fool?
2. To consider mistakenly: Don't take silence for approval.
take in
1. To receive (an amount of money), as from a business venture: The box office took in $30,000 in an hour.
2. To grant admittance to; receive as a guest or an employee. To accept (work) to be done in one's house for pay: took in typing.
3. To reduce in size; make smaller or shorter: took in the waist on the pair of pants. To make (a garment) smaller by tailoring.Nautical To furl (a sail).
4. To include or encompass: The tour takes in every site worth seeing.
5. To attend or experience: took in a movie; took in the sites. To understand: couldn't take in the meaning of the word.
6. To deceive or swindle: was taken in by a confidence artist.
7. To convey (a prisoner) to a police station.
take off
1. To remove, as clothing: take one's coat off; take off one's shoes.
2. To release: took the brake off.
3. To deduct as a discount: took 20 percent off.
4. To discontinue: took off the commuter special.
5. To spend (time) away from work or an activity: I'm taking off three days in May. I took last week off and now I have a lot of work to do.
6. To go or leave: took off in pursuit of the robber. To rise into the air or begin flight: The plane took off on time. To achieve success or popularity: a new movie that really took off.
take on
1. To undertake or begin to handle: took on extra responsibilities. To oppose in competition: a wrestler who took on all comers.
2. To hire; engage: took on more workers during the harvest.
3. To assume or acquire as one's own: Over the years he has taken on a doleful look.
4. To display violent or passionate emotion: Don't take on so!
take out
1. To extract or remove: took the splinter out.Slang To kill: gangsters plotting to take out their rivals.Slang To destroy, as in an armed attack: The bombers took out the radio station.
2. To secure by application to an authority: take out a mortgage; take out a marriage license.
3. Informal To escort, as a date.
4. To give vent to: Don't take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner.
5. To obtain as an equivalent in a different form: took out the money owed in services.
6. Informal To begin a course; set out: The police took out after the thieves.
7. Nautical To land a small boat and remove it from the water: The canoeists took out above the rapids.
take over
1. To assume control, management, or responsibility: I'm taking over while the supervisor is on vacation.
2. To assume the control or management of or the responsibility for: She took over the job after he left.
3. To become dominant: Our defense took over in the second half of the game.
4. To do (an action or a play in a game) again when the first performance has been discounted or is under dispute.
take to
1. To have recourse to; go to, as for safety: took to the woods.
2. To develop as a habit or a steady practice: take to drink.
3. To become fond of or attached to: "Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other" (Jack Kerouac).
take up
1. To raise; lift.
2. To absorb or adsorb; draw up or incorporate: crops taking up nutrients.
3. To begin again; resume: Let's take up where we left off. To develop an interest in or enter into: take up mountain climbing; take up engineering. To accept (an option, bet, or challenge) as offered. To deal with: Let's take up each problem one at a time. To assume: took up a friendly attitude.
4. To use up, consume, or occupy: The extra duties took up most of my time. The bed took up half of the room. To establish (residence).
5. To reduce in size; shorten or tighten: take up a gown; take up the slack.
on the take Informal
Taking or seeking to take bribes or illegal income: "There were policemen on the take" (Scott Turow).
take a bath Informal
To experience serious financial loss: "Small investors who latched on to hot new issues took a bath in Wall Street" (Paul A. Samuelson).
take account of
To take into consideration.
take away from
To detract from: Drab curtains took away from the otherwise lovely room.
take care
To be careful: Take care or you will slip on the ice.
take care of
To assume responsibility for the maintenance, support, or treatment of.
take charge
To assume control or command.
take effect
1. To become operative, as under law or regulation: The curfew takes effect at midnight.
2. To produce the desired reaction: The antibiotics at last began to take effect.
take exception
To express opposition by argument; object to: took exception to the prosecutor's line of questioning.
take five/ten Slang
To take a short rest or break, as of five or ten minutes.
take for granted
1. To consider as true, real, or forthcoming; anticipate correctly.
2. To underestimate the value of: a publisher who took the editors for granted.
take heart
To be confident or courageous.
take hold
1. To seize, as by grasping.
2. To become established: The newly planted vines quickly took hold.
take it
1. To understand; assume: As I take it, they won't accept the proposal.
2. Informal To endure abuse, criticism, or other harsh treatment: If you can dish it out, you've got to learn to take it.
take it on the chin Slang
To endure punishment, suffering, or defeat.
take it or leave it
To accept or reject unconditionally.
take it out on Informal
To abuse (someone) in venting one's own anger.
take kindly to
1. To be receptive to: take kindly to constructive criticism.
2. To be naturally attracted or fitted to; thrive on.
take lying down Informal
To submit to harsh treatment with no resistance: refused to take the snub lying down.
take notice of
To pay attention to.
take (one's) breath away
To put into a state of awe or shock.
take (one's) time
To act slowly or at one's leisure.
take place
To happen; occur.
take root
1. To become established or fixed.
2. To become rooted.
take shape
To take on a distinctive form.
take sick
Chiefly Southern US To become ill.
take sides
To associate with and support a particular faction, group, cause, or person.
take stock
1. To take an inventory.
2. To make an estimate or appraisal, as of resources or of oneself.
take stock in
To trust, believe in, or attach importance to.
take the bench Law
1. To become a judge.
2. To preside in court: The judge took the bench to hear the plaintiff's motion.
take the cake
1. To be the most outrageous or disappointing.
2. To win the prize; be outstanding.
take the count
1. To be defeated.
2. Sports To be counted out in boxing.
take the fall/hit Slang
To incur blame or censure, either willingly or unwillingly: a senior official who took the fall for the failed intelligence operation.
take the floor
To rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly.
take the heat Slang
To incur and endure heavy censure or criticism: had a reputation for being able to take the heat in a crisis.
take to the cleaners Slang
To take all the money or possessions of, especially by outsmarting or swindling.
take up for
To support (a person or group, for example) in an argument.
take up the cudgels
To join in a dispute, especially in defense of a participant.
take up with Informal
To begin to associate with; consort with: took up with a fast crowd.

[Middle English taken, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka.]

tak′a·ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

take in

vb (tr, adverb)
1. to comprehend or understand
2. to include or comprise: his thesis takes in that point.
3. to receive into one's house in exchange for payment: to take in washing; take in lodgers.
4. (Knitting & Sewing) to make (an article of clothing, etc) smaller by altering seams
5. to include: the tour takes in the islands as well as the mainland.
6. informal to cheat or deceive
7. to go to; visit: let's take in a movie tonight.
informal the act or an instance of cheating or deceiving
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.take in - provide with shelter
domiciliate, house, put up - provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"
2.take in - fool or hoaxtake in - fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"
kid, pull the leg of - tell false information to for fun; "Are you pulling my leg?"
deceive, lead astray, betray - cause someone to believe an untruth; "The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house"
3.take in - suck or take up or intake in - suck or take up or in; "A black star absorbs all matter"
suck in, suck - attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.; "The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad"
4.take in - visit for entertainment; "take in the sights"
visit, see - go to see a place, as for entertainment; "We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning"
5.take in - call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent"
take - take into one's possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "I'll take three salmon steaks"
farm - collect fees or profits
raise - collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
6.take in - see or watchtake in - see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie"
see - perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight; "You have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "Can you see the bird in that tree?"; "He is blind--he cannot see"
watch - look attentively; "watch a basketball game"
visualise, visualize - view the outline of by means of an X-ray; "The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver"
spectate - be a spectator in a sports event
preview - watch (a movie or play) before it is released to the general public
7.take in - express willingness to have in one's home or environs; "The community warmly received the refugees"
welcome - receive someone, as into one's house
absorb - assimilate or take in; "The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society"
see - receive as a specified guest; "the doctor will see you now"; "The minister doesn't see anybody before noon"
assume - take up someone's soul into heaven; "This is the day when May was assumed into heaven"
induct - admit as a member; "We were inducted into the honor society"
8.take in - fold up; "take in the sails"
furl, roll up - form into a cylinder by rolling; "Roll up the cloth"
incorporate - unite or merge with something already in existence; "incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case"
coal - take in coal; "The big ship coaled"
9.take in - take up mentallytake in - take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"
larn, learn, acquire - gain knowledge or skills; "She learned dancing from her sister"; "I learned Sanskrit"; "Children acquire language at an amazing rate"
imbibe - receive into the mind and retain; "Imbibe ethical principles"
10.take in - earn on some commercial or business transactiontake in - earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
make - act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
squeeze out, eke out - make by laborious and precarious means; "He eked out a living as a painter"
turn a profit, profit - make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger"
rake off - take money from an illegal transaction
take home, bring home - earn as a salary or wage; "How much does your wife take home after taxes and other deductions?"
rake in, shovel in - earn large sums of money; "Since she accepted the new position, she has been raking it in"
net, sack up, sack, clear - make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million"
gross - earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
pay, bear, yield - bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
11.take in - hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers; "We overheard the conversation at the next table"
hear - perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
catch, get - perceive by hearing; "I didn't catch your name"; "She didn't get his name when they met the first time"
12.take in - accept; "The cloth takes up the liquid"
receive, have - get something; come into possession of; "receive payment"; "receive a gift"; "receive letters from the front"
fuel - take in fuel, as of a ship; "The tanker fueled in Bahrain"
13.take in - take in, also metaphoricallytake in - take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words"
mop, mop up, wipe up - to wash or wipe with or as if with a mop; "Mop the hallway now"; "He mopped her forehead with a towel"
blot - dry (ink) with blotting paper
sponge up - absorb as if with a sponge; "sponge up the spilled milk on the counter"
14.take in - take up as if with a sponge
ingest, consume, have, take in, take - serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
15.take in - serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
hit - consume to excess; "hit the bottle"
cannibalise, cannibalize - eat human flesh
habituate, use - take or consume (regularly or habitually); "She uses drugs rarely"
eat - eat a meal; take a meal; "We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls"; "I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation"
eat - take in solid food; "She was eating a banana"; "What did you eat for dinner last night?"
drink, imbibe - take in liquids; "The patient must drink several liters each day"; "The children like to drink soda"
booze, drink, fuddle - consume alcohol; "We were up drinking all night"
partake, touch - consume; "She didn't touch her food all night"
eat, feed - take in food; used of animals only; "This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat"; "What do whales eat?"
replete, sate, satiate, fill - fill to satisfaction; "I am sated"
sample, taste, try, try out - take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes"
suck in, sop up, take up, take in - take up as if with a sponge
smoke - inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes; "We never smoked marijuana"; "Do you smoke?"
do drugs, drug - use recreational drugs
swallow, get down - pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking; "Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you!"
sup - take solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon
16.take in - take into one's familytake in - take into one's family; "They adopted two children from Nicaragua"
take - take into one's possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "I'll take three salmon steaks"
17.take in - make (clothes) smaller; "Please take in this skirt--I've lost weight"
vary, alter, change - become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"
widen, let out - make (clothes) larger; "Let out that dress--I gained a lot of weight"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. To obtain possession or control of:
Slang: cop.
2. To gain possession of, especially after a struggle or chase:
Informal: bag.
Slang: nail.
3. To become affected with a disease:
4. To come upon, especially suddenly or unexpectedly:
catch, hit on (or upon), surprise.
Informal: hit.
5. To have a sudden overwhelming effect on:
6. To direct or impel to oneself by some quality or action:
Informal: pull.
7. To cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach:
8. To admit to one's possession, presence, or awareness:
9. To engage in sexual relations with:
10. To receive (something given or offered) willingly and gladly.Also used with up:
11. To lay claim to for oneself or as one's right:
12. To go aboard (a means of transport):
13. To have as a need or prerequisite:
14. To obtain from another source:
15. To put up with:
Informal: lump.
Idioms: take it, take it lying down.
16. To perform a function effectively:
17. To perceive and recognize the meaning of:
Informal: savvy.
Slang: dig.
Chiefly British: twig.
Scots: ken.
18. To understand in a particular way:
19. To cause to come along with oneself:
20. To move (something) from a position occupied:
21. To take away (a quantity) from another quantity.Also used with off:
Informal: knock off.
22. Informal. To get money or something else from by deceitful trickery:
Informal: chisel, flimflam, trim.
Slang: diddle, do, gyp, stick, sting.
phrasal verb
take after
To be similar to, as in appearance:
Chiefly Regional: favor.
phrasal verb
take away
To move (something) from a position occupied:
phrasal verb
take back
1. To occupy or take again:
2. To send, put, or carry back to a former location:
3. To disavow (something previously written or said) irrevocably and usually formally:
phrasal verb
take down
1. To cause to descend:
2. To take (something) apart:
phrasal verb
take in
1. To allow admittance, as to a group:
3. To perceive and recognize the meaning of:
Informal: savvy.
Slang: dig.
Chiefly British: twig.
Scots: ken.
4. To cause to accept what is false, especially by trickery or misrepresentation:
Informal: bamboozle, have.
Slang: four-flush.
phrasal verb
take off
1. To take from one's own person:
2. To move (something) from a position occupied:
3. Slang. To move or proceed away from a place:
Slang: blow, split.
4. To rise up in flight:
lift (off).
phrasal verb
take on
1. To take upon oneself:
3. To obtain the use or services of:
Idiom: put on the payroll.
4. To enter into conflict with:
Idiom: do battle with.
5. Informal. To worry over trifles:
6. To take, as another's idea, and make one's own:
phrasal verb
take out
1. To move (something) from a position occupied:
2. Informal. To be with another person socially on a regular basis:
phrasal verb
take over
1. To seize and move into by force:
2. To take upon oneself:
3. To free from a specific duty by acting as a substitute:
phrasal verb
take to
To find agreeable:
Chiefly British: conceit.
phrasal verb
take up
1. To move (something) to a higher position:
2. To begin or go on after an interruption:
3. To be occupied or concerned with:
5. To take in (moisture or liquid):
6. To take in and incorporate, especially mentally:
Informal: soak (up).
7. To take, as another's idea, and make one's own:
1. The amount of money collected as admission, especially to a sporting event:
2. Slang. A trying to do or make something:
Informal: shot.
Archaic: assay.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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(teik) verbpast tense took (tuk) : past participle taken
1. (often with down, ~out etc) to reach out for and grasp, hold, lift, pull etc. He took my hand; He took the book down from the shelf; He opened the drawer and took out a gun; I've had a tooth taken out.
2. (often with away, ~in, ~off, ~out etc) to carry, conduct or lead to another place. I took the books (back) to the library; He's taking me with him; Take her into my office; The police took him away; I took the dog out for a walk; He took her out for dinner.
3. to do or perform some action. I think I'll take a walk; Will you take a look?; to take a bath
4. to get, receive, buy, rent etc. I'm taking French lessons; I'll take three kilos of strawberries; We took a house in London.
5. (sometimes with back) to agree to have; to accept; He took my advice ; They refused to take responsibility ; I won't take that (insult) from you! ; I'm afraid we can't take back goods bought in a sale .
6. to need or require. How long does it take you to go home?; It takes time to do a difficult job like this.
7. to travel by (bus etc). I'm taking the next train to London; I took a taxi.
8. to have enough space for. The car takes five people.
9. to make a note, record etc. He took a photograph of the castle; The nurse took the patient's temperature.
10. to remove, use, occupy etc with or without permission. Someone's taken my coat; He took all my money.
11. to consider (as an example). Take John for example.
12. to capture or win. He took the first prize.
13. (often with away, ~from, ~off) to make less or smaller by a certain amount. Take (away) four from ten, and that leaves six.
14. to suppose or think (that something is the case). Do you take me for an idiot?
15. to eat or drink. Take these pills.
16. to conduct, lead or run; to be in charge or control of. Will you take the class/lecture/meeting this evening?
17. to consider or react or behave to (something) in a certain way. He took the news calmly.
18. to feel. He took pleasure/pride / a delight / an interest in his work.
19. to go down or go into (a road). Take the second road on the left.
1. the amount of money taken in a shop etc; takings. What was the take today?
2. the filming of a single scene in a cinema film. After five takes, the director was satisfied.
taker noun
a person who takes (something) especially one who accepts an offer or takes a bet. I offered my friends my car, but there were no takers.
takings noun plural
the amount of money taken at a concert, in a shop etc. the day's takings.
ˈtake-away noun
(American ˈcarry-out or ˈtake-out).
1. food prepared and bought in a restaurant but taken away and eaten somewhere else eg at home. I'll go and buy a take-away; (also adjective) a take-away meal.
2. a restaurant where such food is prepared and bought.
be taken up with
to be busy or occupied with. He's very taken up with his new job.
be taken with/by
to find pleasing or attractive. He was very taken with the village.
take after
to be like (someone, especially a parent or relation) in appearance or character. She takes after her father.
take back
1. to make (someone) remember or think about (something). Meeting my old friends took me back to my childhood.
2. to admit that what one has said is not true. Take back what you said about my sister!
take down
to make a note or record of. He took down her name and address.
take an examination/test
to have one's knowledge or ability tested formally, often in writing.
take (someone) for
to believe (mistakenly) that (someone) is (someone or something else). I took you for your brother.
take in
1. to include. Literature takes in drama, poetry and the novel.
2. to give (someone) shelter. He had nowhere to go, so I took him in.
3. to understand and remember. I didn't take in what he said.
4. to make (clothes) smaller. I lost a lot of weight, so I had to take all my clothes in.
5. to deceive or cheat. He took me in with his story.
take it from me (that)
you can believe me when I say (that). Take it from me – it's true.
take it into one's head (to)
to decide (to). She took it into her head to go to Spain.
take off
1. to remove (clothes etc). He took off his coat.
2. (of an aircraft) to leave the ground. The plane took off for Rome (noun ˈtake-off).
3. not to work during (a period of time). I'm taking tomorrow morning off.
4. to imitate someone (often unkindly). He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh (noun ˈtake-off).
take on
1. to agree to do (work etc); to undertake. He took on the job.
2. to employ. They are taking on five hundred more men at the factory.
3. (with at) to challenge (someone) to a game etc. I'll take you on at tennis.
4. to get; to assume. His writing took on a completely new meaning.
5. to allow (passengers) to get on or in. The bus only stops here to take on passengers.
6. to be upset. Don't take on so!
take it out on
to be angry with or unpleasant to because one is angry, disappointed etc oneself. You're upset, but there's no need to take it out on me!
take over
1. to take control (of). He has taken the business over (noun ˈtake-over).
2. (often with from) to do (something) after someone else stops doing it. He retired last year, and I took over (his job) from him.
ˈtake to
1. to find acceptable or pleasing. I soon took to her children/idea.
2. to begin to do (something) regularly. He took to smoking a pipe.
take up
1. to use or occupy (space, time etc). I won't take up much of your time.
2. to begin doing, playing etc. He has taken up the violin/teaching.
3. to shorten (clothes). My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up.
4. to lift or raise; to pick up. He took up the book.
take (something) upon oneself
to take responsibility for. I took it upon myself to make sure she arrived safely.
take (something) up with (someone)
to discuss (especially a complaint). Take the matter up with your MP.

see also bring.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
The list had been developed in the late 1980s by two INS agents to provide some guidance to private companies developing a history and civics course that illegal immigrants were allowed to take in order to become legal under a special amnesty law then in effect.
A few days later, Snagsby sent us a two-page letter, spelling out in detail the various steps he would take in Eva's behalf-but failing, somehow, to mention the mother-of-an-American-citizen option.