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Related to mate: soul mate, yerba mate, Mate tea

mate 1

1. One of a matched pair: the mate to this glove.
2. A spouse or romantic partner.
a. Either of a pair of birds or other animals that associate in order to propagate.
b. Either of a pair of animals brought together for breeding.
c. Either of a pair of plants, fungi, or other organisms that engage in sexual reproduction or conjugation with each other.
a. A person with whom one is in close association; an associate.
b. Chiefly British A good friend or companion.
c. A person with whom one shares living quarters. Often used in combination: advertised for a new flatmate.
5. A deck officer on a merchant ship ranking next below the master.
6. A US Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer.
v. mat·ed, mat·ing, mates
1. To join closely or combine: an engine that is mated to a four-speed transmission.
2. To cause to be united in marriage or a romantic sexual relationship.
3. To cause (organisms) to breed or bring (organisms) into close proximity for breeding.
1. To become joined in marriage or a romantic sexual relationship.
a. To be paired for reproducing; breed.
b. To engage in sexual reproduction or conjugation.

[Middle English, from Middle Low German gemate, mate, messmate.]

mate 2

A checkmate.
tr. & intr.v. mat·ed, mat·ing, mates
To checkmate or achieve a checkmate.

[Middle English, from Old French mat, checkmated, from Arabic māt, he has died; see checkmate.]

click for a larger image
bombilla (foreground) and mate cup(background)

ma·te 3

 (mä′tā) also ma·té (mä-tĕ′)
1. An evergreen shrub or small tree (Ilex paraguariensis) of South America, widely cultivated for its leaves, which are used to prepare a tealike beverage.
2. A tealike beverage, popular in South America, made from the dried leaves of this plant. Also called Paraguay tea, yerba mate.
3. An oval or rounded container or cup, traditionally made from a hollow calabash, in which this tea is prepared and served.

[American Spanish, from Quechua mati, calabash container.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Zoology) the sexual partner of an animal
2. a marriage partner
a. informal chiefly Brit and Austral and NZ a friend, usually of the same sex: often used between males in direct address
b. (in combination) an associate, colleague, fellow sharer, etc: a classmate; a flatmate.
4. one of a pair of matching items
5. (Nautical Terms) nautical
a. short for first mate
b. any officer below the master on a commercial ship
c. a warrant officer's assistant on a ship
6. (in some trades) an assistant: a plumber's mate.
7. archaic a suitable associate
8. (Zoology) to pair (a male and female animal) or (of animals) to pair for reproduction
9. to marry or join in marriage
10. (tr) to join as a pair; match
[C14: from Middle Low German; related to Old English gemetta table-guest, from mete meat]
ˈmateless adj


n, vb
(Chess & Draughts) chess See checkmate


(ˈmɑːteɪ; ˈmæteɪ) or


1. (Plants) an evergreen tree, Ilex paraguariensis, cultivated in South America for its leaves, which contain caffeine: family Aquifoliaceae
2. (Plants) a stimulating milky beverage made from the dried leaves of this tree
Modern Greek name: Paraguay tea, yerba or yerba maté
[C18: from American Spanish (originally referring to the vessel in which the drink was brewed), from Quechua máti gourd]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. mat•ed, mat•ing. n.
1. a husband or wife; spouse.
2. one member of a pair of mated animals.
3. one of a pair: a mate of a glove.
5. an associate or companion.
b. an assistant to a warrant officer or other functionary on a ship.
7. an aide, as to a skilled worker.
8. Archaic. peer; match.
9. to join as mates.
10. to bring (animals) together for breeding.
11. to join or associate suitably; couple.
12. to treat as comparable.
13. to become mated.
14. to copulate.
15. to marry.
[1350–1400; Middle English < Middle Low German; replacing Middle English mette, Old English gemetta messmate, guest; akin to meat]
mate′less, adj.



n., v.t. mat•ed, mat•ing,
[1175–1225; Middle English mat defeated (adj.), defeat (n.) < Old French « Persian]


or ma•te

(ˈmɑ teɪ, ˈmæt eɪ, mɑˈteɪ)

n., pl. -tés or -tes.
1. a South American holly tree, Ilex paraguariensis.
2. the dried leaves of this tree.
3. a tealike South American beverage made from these leaves.
Also called yerba maté.
[1710–20; < American Spanish mate, orig. the vessel in which the herb is steeped < Quechua mati]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: mated
Gerund: mating

I mate
you mate
he/she/it mates
we mate
you mate
they mate
I mated
you mated
he/she/it mated
we mated
you mated
they mated
Present Continuous
I am mating
you are mating
he/she/it is mating
we are mating
you are mating
they are mating
Present Perfect
I have mated
you have mated
he/she/it has mated
we have mated
you have mated
they have mated
Past Continuous
I was mating
you were mating
he/she/it was mating
we were mating
you were mating
they were mating
Past Perfect
I had mated
you had mated
he/she/it had mated
we had mated
you had mated
they had mated
I will mate
you will mate
he/she/it will mate
we will mate
you will mate
they will mate
Future Perfect
I will have mated
you will have mated
he/she/it will have mated
we will have mated
you will have mated
they will have mated
Future Continuous
I will be mating
you will be mating
he/she/it will be mating
we will be mating
you will be mating
they will be mating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been mating
you have been mating
he/she/it has been mating
we have been mating
you have been mating
they have been mating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been mating
you will have been mating
he/she/it will have been mating
we will have been mating
you will have been mating
they will have been mating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been mating
you had been mating
he/she/it had been mating
we had been mating
you had been mating
they had been mating
I would mate
you would mate
he/she/it would mate
we would mate
you would mate
they would mate
Past Conditional
I would have mated
you would have mated
he/she/it would have mated
we would have mated
you would have mated
they would have mated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.mate - the officer below the master on a commercial shipmate - the officer below the master on a commercial ship
ship's officer, officer - a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; "he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines"
2.mate - a fellow member of a teammate - a fellow member of a team; "it was his first start against his former teammates"
associate - a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor; "he had to consult his associate before continuing"
3.mate - the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner)mate - the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner); "he loved the mare and all her mates"; "camels hate leaving their mates"
animal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
4.mate - a person's partner in marriagemate - a person's partner in marriage  
man and wife, married couple, marriage - two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
bigamist - someone who marries one person while already legally married to another
consort - the husband or wife of a reigning monarch
domestic partner, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent - a person (not necessarily a spouse) with whom you cohabit and share a long-term sexual relationship
helpmate, helpmeet - a helpful partner
hubby, husband, married man - a married man; a woman's partner in marriage
relative, relation - a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey"
monogamist, monogynist - someone who practices monogamy (one spouse at a time)
honeymooner, newlywed - someone recently married
polygamist - someone who is married to two or more people at the same time
married woman, wife - a married woman; a man's partner in marriage
5.mate - an exact duplicatemate - an exact duplicate; "when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook"
duplication, duplicate - a copy that corresponds to an original exactly; "he made a duplicate for the files"
6.mate - one of a pair; "he lost the mate to his shoe"; "one eye was blue but its fellow was brown"
singleton - a single object (as distinguished from a pair)
couplet, distich, duad, duet, duo, dyad, twain, twosome, brace, pair, span, yoke, couple - two items of the same kind
7.mate - South American hollymate - South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea
holly - any tree or shrub of the genus Ilex having red berries and shiny evergreen leaves with prickly edges
8.mate - informal term for a friend of the same sexmate - informal term for a friend of the same sex
Australia, Commonwealth of Australia - a nation occupying the whole of the Australian continent; Aboriginal tribes are thought to have migrated from southeastern Asia 20,000 years ago; first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
friend - a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university"
9.mate - South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate
beverage, drinkable, potable, drink - any liquid suitable for drinking; "may I take your beverage order?"
10.mate - a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's kingmate - a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king
chess move - the act of moving a chess piece
Verb1.mate - engage in sexual intercourse; "Birds mate in the Spring"
nick - mate successfully; of livestock
conjoin, join - make contact or come together; "The two roads join here"
do it, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, be intimate, lie with, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, hump, jazz, love, bed, bang, make out, know - have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
tread - mate with; "male birds tread the females"
service, serve - mate with; "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes"
deflower, ruin - deprive of virginity; "This dirty old man deflowered several young girls in the village"
mount, ride - copulate with; "The bull was riding the cow"
breed, cover - copulate with a female, used especially of horses; "The horse covers the mare"
2.mate - bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project"
match - give or join in marriage
mismate - provide with an unsuitable mate
mismatch - match badly; match two objects or people that do not go together
bring together, join - cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together"
3.mate - place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game; "Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves"
chess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's king
beat, beat out, vanquish, trounce, crush, shell - come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. (Informal) friend, pal (informal), companion, buddy (informal), china (Brit. slang), cock (Brit. informal), comrade, chum (informal), mucker (Brit. informal), crony, main man (slang, chiefly U.S.), homeboy (slang, chiefly U.S.), cobber (Austral. or old-fashioned N.Z. informal), M8 (S.M.S.) A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.
2. partner, lover, companion, spouse, squeeze (informal), consort, significant other (U.S. informal), better half (humorous), helpmeet, husband or wife, bidie-in (Scot.), M8 (S.M.S.) He has found his ideal mate.
3. double, match, fellow, twin, counterpart, companion, M8 (S.M.S.) The guest cabin is a mirror image of its mate.
4. assistant, subordinate, apprentice, helper, accomplice, sidekick (informal), M8 (S.M.S.) The electrician's mate ignored the red-lettered warning signs.
5. colleague, associate, companion, co-worker, fellow-worker, compeer, M8 (S.M.S.) He celebrated with work mates in the pub.
1. pair, couple, breed, copulate They want the males to mate with wild females.
2. marry, match, wed, get married, shack up (informal) Women typically seek older men with which to mate.
3. join, match, couple, pair, yoke The film tries very hard to mate modern with old.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. One of a matched pair of things:
2. A husband or wife:
Informal: better half.
3. One who shares interests or activities with another:
Informal: buddy, pal.
4. A person whom one knows well, likes, and trusts:
Informal: bud, buddy.
Slang: sidekick.
1. To join or be joined in marriage:
Slang: hitch.
Idiom: tie the knot.
2. To engage in sexual relations with:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إماتَة الشاه في الشَّطْرَنْجإماتَة الشّاهرَفِيقٌرَفيق، زَميلزَوج أو زَوْجَه
dát matdruh-ice-kakamarád
ægtemageførstestyrmandgøre matkammeratkollega
félagi, vinurmaka sigmakimátmáta
kapitono padėjėjasporuotižmona
biedrsdraugsdzīvesbiedredzīvesbiedrskapteiņa palīgs
lodný dôstojníkpáriťsamčekspáriť
pariti seprijateljsamectovariš
ahbaparkadaşçiftleş mekdişi/erkek


[ˈmɑːt>eɪ] Nmate m (cocido), yerba f mate
maté kettlepava f


1 [meɪt] (Chess)
A. Nmate m
B. VTdar jaque mate a, matar
C. VIdar jaque mate, matar
white plays and mates in twoblanco juega y mata en dos


2 [meɪt]
A. N
1. (Zool) (male) → macho m; (female) → hembra f
2. (= husband, wife) → compañero/a m/f
3. (= assistant) → ayudante mf, peón m
see also plumber B
4. (Brit) (Naut) → primer(a) oficial mf (US) → segundo/a m/f de a bordo
5. (at work) → compañero/a m/f, colega mf
6. (Brit) (= friend) → amigo/a m/f, compinche mf, colega mf, cuate/a m/f (Mex)
John and his matesJohn y sus amiguetes or colegas
look here, matemire, amigo
1. (Zool) → aparear
2. (hum) → unir
C. VI (Zool) → aparearse
age should not mate with youthno debe casarse el viejo con la joven
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= workmate) → camarade mf
(= assistant) → aide mf
He got a job as a plumber's mate → Il a trouvé un travail comme aide plombier.
(= pal) → copain (copine)m/f
On Friday night I go out with my mates → Vendredi soir, je sors avec mes copains.
(form of address, to friend)mon pote
Come on mate, things aren't that bad → T'en fais pas mon pote, les choses vont pas si mal.
[animal] → partenaire mf
(= husband, wife, partner) → partenaire mf
(in merchant navy)second m
vi [animals] → s'accoupler
The majority of amphibians mate in water → La majorité des amphibiens s'accouplent dans l'eau.
vt [+ animals] → accoupler
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


1 (Chess)
nMatt nt
vtmatt setzen
vi white mates in twoWeiß setzt den Gegner in zwei Zügen matt


(= fellow worker)Arbeitskollege m/-kollegin f, → Kumpel m
(= helper)Gehilfe m, → Gehilfin f
(Naut) → Maat m
(of animal) (male) → Männchen nt; (female) → Weibchen nt; his matedas Weibchen
(inf: = friend) → Freund(in) m(f), → Kamerad(in) m(f); listen, matehör mal, Freundchen! (inf); got a light, mate?hast du Feuer, Kumpel? (inf)
(hum inf) (= husband)Mann m; (= wife)Frau f; (of animal, male) → Partner m; (female) → Partnerin f
(of pair) here’s one sock, where’s its mate?hier ist eine Socke, wo ist die andere or zweite?
vt animalspaaren; female animaldecken lassen; (fig hum)verkuppeln; they mated their mare with our stallionsie haben ihre Stute von unserem Hengst decken lassen
vi (Zool) → sich paaren
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [meɪt]
1. n
a. (at work) → compagno/a di lavoro (fam) (friend) → amico/a
look here, mate → ehi tu, senti
b. (assistant) → aiutante m/f
c. (Zool) → compagno/a, maschio (or femmina)
d. (in merchant navy) → secondo
2. vt (Zool) → accoppiare
3. vi (Zool) → accoppiarsi


2 [meɪt] n (Chess) → scaccomatto
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(meit) verb
1. to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding. The bears have mated and produced a cub.
2. (chess) to checkmate (someone).
1. an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding. Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.
2. a husband or wife.
3. a companion or friend. We've been mates for years.
4. a fellow workman or assistant. a carpenter's mate.
5. a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain. the first mate.
6. in chess, checkmate.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رَفِيقٌ kamarád partner Kumpel φίλος colega kaveri pote drug compagno 仲間 친구 maat kamerat kolega colega товарищ kompis เพื่อน ahbap bạn 伙伴
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
On 16 July mate reported in the morning that one of the crew, Petrofsky, was missing.
Ut finished the mate. He was on the brudge wuth me, an' I told hum tull take a look tull the wedges o' number one hatch.
The first approach to the land, as yet invisible to the crew's eyes, is announced by the brisk order of the chief mate to the boatswain: "We will get the anchors over this afternoon" or "first thing to-morrow morning," as the case may be.
On the schooner were two white men, the skipper and the second mate, with half a dozen black boys.
We sat down at once, and as I helped the chief mate, I said:
Stubb was the second mate. He was a native of Cape Cod; and hence, according to local usage, was called a Cape-Cod-man.
I now think that his seeming desertion of me had been but due to a desire to search out his ferocious mate and bring her, too, to live with me.
It was Franklin, the thick chief mate, who was addressing him with a watchful appraising stare of his prominent black eyes: "You'd better take a couple of these chaps with you and look out for her aft.
We found her a ship of Bristol, bound home from Barbadoes, but had been blown out of the road at Barbadoes a few days before she was ready to sail, by a terrible hurricane, while the captain and chief mate were both gone on shore; so that, besides the terror of the storm, they were in an indifferent case for good mariners to bring the ship home.
Schneider, the mate, had been doing considerable grumbling, and had at last openly deserted the work and gone off into the jungle with Schmidt to hunt.
Jerry, scarcely aware of Lerumie's presence, was trotting past on his way aft to where Borckman, the mate, was superintending the stringing of the barbed wire to the stanchions.
As with the running mate on the left, she repelled these attentions with her teeth; but when both bestowed their attentions at the same time she was roughly jostled, being compelled, with quick snaps to either side, to drive both lovers away and at the same time to maintain her forward leap with the pack and see the way of her feet before her.