surplus income

disposable income, surplus income - Disposable income or surplus income is what you have left after taxes and other government obligations—i.e. what you have left to live on.
See also related terms for tax.
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The judge found that the husband's surplus income (the amount by which his income exceeded his and his wife's needs) should be shared with his first wife.
Any surplus income from parking enforcement is usually ring fenced for local transportation improvement and environment improvements.
But many in the church's congregation had continued to make Gift Aid payments to their parish church, which Soul says accrued "surplus income of approximately pounds 35,000 per year".
Even without LAPR, Maximum Invest-t ment Plans appear to be making something of a comeback for those wishing to save surplus income on a monthly basis, or strip capital sums annually into a policy to create a tax free fund.
"Incomes are generally higher in England, particularly in London, and where you have surplus income, additional schooling is one of the things it is spent on," he said.
The surplus income left over each month to meet their debts is pounds 300 and the credit crunch is closing escape routes used by many before."
Surplus income generated from these low-interest loans is returned to members as a dividend on their savings.
The orders, introduced last April, offer an alternative to bankruptcy for people with debts of less than pounds 15,000, assets of less than pounds 300 and less than pounds 50 surplus income a month.
The judge found that the husband's surplus income (the amount by which his income exceeded his and his new wife's needs) should be shared with his first wife.
DROs allow consumers with debts below pounds 15,000 and minimal assets or surplus income to write off their debts without entering into full-blown bankruptcy proceedings.