surplus value

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surplus value

The difference between the value of the product produced by labor and the actual price of labor as paid out in wages in Marxian analysis of capitalism.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
It was the first time I had ever heard Karl Marx's* doctrine of surplus value elaborated, and Ernest had done it so simply that I, too, sat puzzled and dumbfounded.
All due honor, therefore, to the ingenuity with which you have filled the hiatus, and shown the state of affairs between us by a discourse on " surplus value," cribbed from an imperfect report of one of my public lectures, and from the pages of Karl Marx!
'This crook-nosed, gross-bodied harpy'; 'this civic sinner, this judicial highwayman'; 'possessing the morals of the Tenderloin and an honor which thieves' honor puts to shame'; 'who compounds criminality with shyster-sharks, and in atonement railroads the unfortunate and impecunious to rotting cells,'--and so forth and so forth, style sophomoric and devoid of the dignity and tone one would employ in a dissertation on 'Surplus Value,' or 'The Fallacies of Marxism,' but just the stuff the dear public likes.
All the profits of labor, on which they might improve their position, and gain leisure for themselves, and after that education, all the surplus values are taken from them by the capitalists.
The Current Transfers achieved a surplus value amounting to $517 million with an increase of 2% compared to the previous quarter.
The Current Transfers achieved a surplus value amounted to USD 517 million with an increase of 2% compared to the previous quarter.
He brings surplus value to our operations and to our key projects.
Its surplus value should be re-spent on its activities in a way to guarantee the continuity of its quality.
In agriculture, only 2 percent of the working population is employed, but the sector produces significant surplus value, both for the food sector and for export.
They said surplus value of labor, historical and dialectic materialism and class-based struggle are the main components of the philosophy of Karl Marx that show the working class, as well as, the world the way to create a new world.
The 6th session was titled 'Small and Medium Enterprises-Battle for surplus value'.