Surplice fees

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(Eccl.) fees paid to the English clergy for occasional duties.

See also: Surplice

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
In 1795, James Woodforde reported in his Diary that he had hired a curate "at the rate of thirty Pounds Per Annum with all Surplice Fees" (374).
He began at an advantage with accommodation for himself and his family and he had far more ready access to surplice fees in his urban setting than did Cartwright in his rural domain.
(116) Without tenure, chaplains and their families were open to destitution: the loss of their stipend, their house, their surplice fees and almost all other emoluments and benefits to which they were entitled.