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(Plants) obsolete Midland English the stem and bulb of a leek
vb (tr)
to strike
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References in periodicals archive ?
However, demand is growing for smaller industrial space, and flex space in particular, said Polt, a demand that J.G.
"This tournament has been around for 30 years and has built a reputation of being a valuable opportunity for students to experience competitive argumentation in a setting that focuses on teaching and nurturing directed toward inexperienced debaters," explained Scott Jensen, professor and the instructor for POLT 1550.
Enquanto se tem ampliado as possibilidades de discussao na literatura sobre o relacionamento entre empresas, institutos de pesquisa e universidades, especialmente no tocante a forma, gestao e avaliacao desses relacionamentos (FAULKNER; SENKER, VELHO, 1995; spender, 1999; FAULKNER, SCHIBANNY, POLT, 2001; WRIGHT, 2008; COSTA; PORTO; FELDHAUS, 2010), pouca atencao tem sido atribuida as questoes internas das universidades e as interacoes destas com outras e com os institutos de pesquisa, o que representa uma lacuna na literatura sobre essa tematica.
The 1000 grain weight in the polt experiments with different treatments of biochar showed no significant differences, while the yield difference between the biochar treated group and the control group was obvious (Pless than 0.05).
Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan Askhat Daulbayev met with Minister of State for Justice of Hungary Robert Repassy and Prosecutor General of Hungary Peter Polt on sidelines of the official visit of the Kazakh delegation to Hungary.
La propia universidad constituye el elemento mas importante de los programas de apoyo a la creacion de spin-offs, en tanto que fuente de resultados de investigacion susceptibles de comercializacion (Polt et al., 2001).
The mainstay of our food polt program remains limited to a handful of varieties that have proven to be steady producers in the long haul.
(1.) Nietzsche, Friedrich, Twilight of the Idols, translated by Richard Polt (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1997 118881), [section] 24, p.
Polt, "A mild and efficient route to Schiff base derivatives of amino acids," The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol.

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