polo mallet

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Noun1.polo mallet - a mallet used to strike the ball in polopolo mallet - a mallet used to strike the ball in polo
mallet - a sports implement with a long handle and a head like a hammer; used in sports (polo or croquet) to hit a ball
stick - a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball
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George clambered in and out of the family's Audi estate car and kept little sister Charlotte entertained, picking up a polo mallet to play with.
Her brother George, who's often shy in public, seemed to get into the swing of things, and was seen playing around with a polo mallet - though he was also spotted being comforted by his mum.
The sport of kings, perhaps; the sport of a king's ransom, definitely -- in his introduction to How to look cool whilst learning polo, author Steve Thompson tells us, "It doesn't really matter where you go to play in the world you cannot escape the fact that you have chosen one of the most expensive pastimes on the planet." His emphasis, by the way, and he goes on to say, "And with that in mind there is something else you really ought to consider: there is nothing available at the pharmacy that will ease the depression of a bad day on a horse with a polo mallet."
Tournaments have more specific rules depending on the location." The blog also offers instructions on how to build a bike polo mallet, and even how to modify a bicycle for the sport.
Marcial, the brother of the world's No 1 Argentinian player – Adolfo Cambiaso – was my patient instructor as I learned how to swing a taco (or polo mallet) while staying on the horse.
Following HRH Prince Harry's recent visit to Abu Dhabi - swinging his polo mallet for the crowds at Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club for the Sentebale Polo Cup, British Polo Day keeps the British polo 'buzz' alive across the region.
The man in question was now racing down the field on a chestnut horse, his polo mallet skilfully guiding the ball towards the Jodhpur team's goal post.
The handler steers the animal, directed by the player who tries to score by hitting the ball with a 7ft polo mallet.
The idea of riding one while trying to wield a polo mallet, filled me with some trepidation.
After scoring the winning goal, Prince William was presented with a mini polo mallet for his nearly two-week-old son, George.
Audi UK director Martin Sander presented the 31-year-old William with a mini polo mallet for his newborn son.
Contact Emily at emily_polocrosse@yahoo.co.uk Polocrosse THE sport was developed in Australia in the 1930s but the concept was invented in England by the National School of Equitation who replaced polo mallet heads with squash racquet heads for a training exercise.