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(General Physics) physics relating to a type of magnetic field
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In this regard, high-temperature plasma in the TNR is not held by the walls of the toroidal chamber with a refractory blanket, which is not able to withstand its temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, but by specially created crossed magnetic fields: toroidal and poloidal (Fig.
The electric current flowing through a toroidal solenoid has two components, a toroidal component (red) and a poloidal component (blue).
It consists of toroidal field (TF) coils, central solenoid (CS) coils, and poloidal field (PF) coils.
where [B.sub.0] is the strength of the magnetic field on the axis, and the Maxwell tensor components, corresponding to a poloidal magnetic field with [B.sub.[rho]] and [B.sub.[theta]], are given by the relations
Yet another possibility is that the electrons remaining in the NS becomes spin-aligned to form a ferromagnetic phase, (77) due to some quantum mechanisms, including the neutrino's chirality violation, (78) or "chiral plasma instability" through which toroidal and poloidal electron currents are successively amplified.
The combination of two sets of magnetic coils--known as toroidal and poloidal field coils--creates a vertical and horizontal directional field, acting as a magnetic cage to hold and shape the plasma.
In an important manufacturing milestone for Russia and Europe, the first two 414-metre production lengths of conductor for poloidal field magnet #1 (PF1) have been successfully manufactured.
where [D.sub.max] and [D.sub.min], respectively, denote the diffusion coefficients of H-mode and L-mode, the parameters [v.sub.A], c, [B.sub.p], B, [alpha], [beta], and [g.sub.0] are constants, and [v.sub.A], c, [B.sub.p], and B are the Alfven velocity, the light velocity, the magnetic field which is parallel to the poloidal direction in Tokamak, and the characteristic magnetic field, respectively.
Only in very special cases, for example, if a simple poloidal flow is exposed to an axial magnetic field so that the induced current flows only in azimuthal direction, the second term is zero.