polo stick

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Related to polo stick: polo mallet
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.polo stick - a mallet used to strike the ball in polopolo stick - a mallet used to strike the ball in polo
mallet - a sports implement with a long handle and a head like a hammer; used in sports (polo or croquet) to hit a ball
stick - a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball
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References in classic literature ?
He's never touched a polo stick in his life, knows nothing about cricket, is indifferent to games, and doesn't even understand the meaning of the word Sportsman.' There's no place in this country for a man like that."
In the center was a mahogany table, covered with books, and smokers' implements; the walls were decorated with college trophies and colors--flags, posters, photographs and knickknacks--tennis rackets, canoe paddles, golf clubs, and polo sticks. An enormous moose head, with horns six feet across, faced a buffalo head on the opposite wall, while bear and tiger skins covered the polished floor.
National Archivist David Ferriero presented the prince with a patent application submitted in 1931 by his uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, for a new kind of polo stick. Charles, himself a polo player, laughed and said he had no idea that his uncle had designed a polo stick.
I tried to get him a mini-golf club, but he was running around hitting it like a polo stick and I was saying, 'No that's far too dangerous, play golf!"' Kidd is still "kind of " an adrenalin junkie, but says motherhood has quelled her need for speed.
Afterwards William was presented with a mini polo stick for the infant Prince George.
The 31-year-old royal managed to score the winning goal for his team and was later presented with a miniature polo stick for his baby boy.
New Delhi, Feb.13 (ANI): The hallowed turf of the Jaipur Polo Grounds served up a grand Amity Polo Cup finale that was pulsating, captivating and energetic in the display of horse riding and polo stick wielding skills here on Sunday afternoon.
No, I don't mean England's collapse against Pakistan at cricket but the devastating news that Prince Charles is hanging up his Polo stick and retiring.
The 31-year-old managed to score the winning goal for his team and was later presented with a miniature polo stick for his newborn son.
After the match William was presented with a mini polo stick for baby George.