

causing pollution
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'We do not want those pollutive induction furnaces to transfer to our country,' Lopez added.
'Pininfarina's iconic bus shelter design contributes to our mission of sustainability by taking what is typically a drab infrastructure afterthought and transforming it into a functional, artistic masterpiece that will entrance drivers away from their pollutive commutes,' he adds.
Only two years ago, the country shifted from 87RON to 92RON to meet international fuel standards - reintroducing an outdated and more pollutive fuel in the country will mean that Pakistan falls short of yet another international criterion, one which it so recently managed to meet.
For the grant and cleanup to not go to waste, government must relocate riverbank squatters and shut down pollutive factories.
Hosted by GGB and the Barrington Area Library, the theater was almost full with local residents who wanted to learn more about on one of the world's most pollutive industries: fashion.
Amid the Manila Bay rehabilitation, the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) furnished Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada copies of its Cease and Desist Orders (CDOs), directing establishments to discontinue pollutive discharge or temporarily halt operations of their facilities from generating such wastes after it found prima facie evidence that they posed "immediate threat to life, public health, safety or welfare to animals or plant life." The copies were sent to Estrada last February 8.
On Friday, cease-and-desist orders were issued against Makchang Korean Restaurant, the Networld Hotel, and Legend Seafood Restaurant for discharging pollutive wastewater into the bay waters.
Highly pollutive incidents have taken place in recent history when leaks of oil from ships have polluted the sea and caused the deaths of a significant number of fish and marine life.
The natural products, extracted from plants are now proved to be safer, ecofriendly, non pollutive and effective to control phytopathogens.