

a.1.(Zool.) Having the surface covered with a fine yellow dust, like pollen.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Thompson and Ghorpade (1992) identified this as a new species and gave the diagnostic characters as follows: spurious vein short and ending before the junction of fourth vein and sub-apical cross vein; tergum 3 with a pair of narrow yellow spots anteriorly; fore and mid tibia orange yellow and female with a whitish pair of pollinose spots on frons anteriorly.
Thorax black with pale gray pollinosity, except mesoscutum glossy black with posterior portion pollinose. Setae and setulae on thorax black; h absent, 2 long strong npl; hair-like acr biseriate; hair-like dc uniseriate except only 1 posteriormost dc slightly long, 1 psa; scutellum with 8 marginal setulae (2 setulae between sc) and 2 long sc.
Diagnosis: Frons strongly proj ecting; markedly yellow; palpus pale yellow; pedicel yellow, postpedicel grey pollinose, scutum grey; postpronotum and legs yellow, except fore femur brown on apical third of dorsal and anterior surfaces, fore tibia and tarsus light brown.
Fronto-orbital plate and gena dark golden polinose; mesonotum brown with grey pollinose stripes, forming a characteristic pattern as in Figure 1 [Costa Rica, Argentina]
Head: Head ratio: 1.16:1.25; orbital plate parallel to eye margin and shiny yellow; frons yellowish brown; ocellar triangle blackish brown; posterior part of head pale orange, except for silver pollinose whitish area around supracervical black setulae; face yellowish without spots, slightly protuberant in middle; cheek brownish yellow; area posterior to vibrissae dark brown maculate, remaining part yellowish.
Occiput largely shining, finely pollinose just above neck, narrowly behind eyes and mouth-opening; vertex entirely shining; 2 inclinate, short, dark, wide-apart postvertical setae, some setulae round neck and near mouth-opening and row of minute postoculars.
Abdomen: More or less compressed dorsoventrally; usually short but densely setulose, with longer setae along hind margin and lateral aspect of tg especially towards apex of abdomen; 6 visible tg in male and 7 in female, tg 6 normal; st sclerotized in both sexes, pollinose except for central part of st 2; pregenital st variably modified; female tg frequently with large brown to black shiny spots laterally.
Thorax: Scutum yellow, yellow pollinose with 6 brown longitudinal stripes, all confluent anteriorly and middle pair remain confluent almost to posterior end, lateral stripes reach to base of pa seta; mtn brown, scut brown at base of lateral margin and beneath, pleura mostly yellow, but katepisternum with dark brown triangle in lower part, meron dark brown in lower half and anepimeron with dark brown line along suture with anepisternum, anepisternum with narrow paler brown border along lower margin and anterior margin.
Thorax: Scutum yellow and pale yellow pollinose with dark grey scutal stripes confluent anterior to transverse suture; scut yellow with brown lateral margin up to subapical setae; mtn dark and pleura yellow with dark greyish brown triangular mark on katepisternum and spot on meron.
Jabri et al., "Les pollinoses a Casablanca," Revue Francaise d'Allergologie, vol.
Place de l'Allergie a l'Ambroisie Parmi les Pollinoses dans Certains Secteurs en Rhone Alpes.
Le point sur une affection appelee couramment rhume des foins, ou pollinoses, ou rhinite saisonniere par les specialistes.