

(of sexual activity) not involving penetration by the penis
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Some of these women noted reduced frequency or loss of spontaneity, but highlighted that other aspects, such as non-penetrative sex, had become more important.
"He suggested they could meet up for non-penetrative sexual activity and as a consequence an arrangement was made to meet the following day.
Mr Gohil was convicted for non-penetrative sexual assault and received a nine-month community order in 2016.
He also pleaded guilty to a second charge of attempting to cause or incite a girl aged 13 to 15 to engage in non-penetrative sexual activity.
Thomas, of Vicarage Lane in Wrexham, admitted non-penetrative sexual activity with the girl aged 15 dating back to early 2017.
The act defines a child as any person below eighteen years of age and also mentions different forms of sexual abuse which includes penetrative and non-penetrative assault.
But he later pleaded guilty to attempting to incite a child under the age of 13 into non-penetrative sexual activity and attempting to engage in sexual activity in the presence of a child.
On this project, Smart Age used the IBC TopFix 200 Delta Support mounting structure because the non-penetrative assembly reduces the risk of roof leakage.
The project is second of Enerparc's growing solar rooftop portfolio in India, it is one of the benchmarks for the company as innovative non-penetrative mounting methods are used coupled with Enerparc's priority on quality and safety.
Of the 120 investigations, nearly half (56) were regarding non-penetrative sexual assaults.
There were a total of 39 category A images, of which 33 were movies, showing girls being subjected to penetrative sex acts, and 134 category B images of children involved in non-penetrative sexual activity.