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(Physiology) never having given birth
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


a. nulípara. V.: nulliparous
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
There was a statistically significant difference between mean IAP generated by parous and nonparous women (P = 0.009).
It seems that most of prey individuals are young animals: in a Great Britain survey, 74 % of the males were pubertal or prepubertal animals and 92 % of the females were low or nonparous specimens (Buckley 1977).
In a rodent study, normal, healthy pregnancies were found to induce long-term alterations in cardiovascular and renal function that were absent in nonparous females (Gallo et al.
In addition, because the rate of contraceptive use in Armenia is extremely low among nonparous women, (24) we excluded women who had not had at least one prior birth, which resulted in a final analytical sample of 2,078 women.
Statistic Bathurst NE Bathurst NW Bathurst S Bathurst Island (6630 (4068 (5344 (16042 [km.sup.2])) [km.sup.2]) [km.sup.2]) [km.sup.2]) l+-yr-old males 69.2 64.4 91.4 80.0 per 100 l+-yr-old females Juveniles (1) and 73.1 71.8 87.0 62.6 yearlings per 100 bulls (2) and breeding cows (3) Bulls per 100 43.6 32.9 81.9 130.6 breeding cows Calves per 100 65.9 69.9 54.7 44.0 l+-yr-old females Calves per 100 96.8 97.1 97.2 91.7 breeding cows % calves among all 28.0 29.8 22.2 19.6 caribou % yearlings among 12.1 12.6 10.5 10.1 all caribou (1) Juveniles are 2-yr-old and some older nonparous females and 2- and 3-yr-old males.
(28) Thus, within each main cell of the sample (socially advantaged women, socially advantaged men, less socially advantaged women and less socially advantaged men), we tried to capture whites and blacks, a range of ages, ever-married and never-married participants, and parous and nonparous participants (Table 1).
No significant differences were noted between parous and nonparous women, although a nonsignificant decrease in ovarian cancer was noted with parity (SIR 1.48 vs.