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(Biology) biology (of a cell) that does not support the replication of a virus
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For example, infiltrating a building in a nonpermissive noncombatant evacuation operation requires exact information on its structure and precise locations of hostages or persons to be rescued.
Propagation of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus in nonpermissive insect cell lines.
HISTORY HAS REVEALED a continued interest in concealing a firearm, and designs have sometimes appeared rather unusual due to restricting factors such as clothing or nonpermissive environments.
Quassia Wandjina Tibetan Kente Candombe Amara Carpets cloth Group Identity Distributive Justice Cultural Diversity Autonomy Semiotic Democracy The challenge, thus, is to devise a legal system capable of responding sensitively to the patterns of values affected by different instances of nonpermissive use of traditional knowledge.
However, being turboprop aircraft, they are slow moving and would be highly exposed in a nonpermissive operating environment.
In future nonpermissive environments, most phases of RSOI may have to occur within the strategic support area.
Schwab, "Antibody against myelin-associated inhibitor of neurite growth neutralizes nonpermissive substrate properties of CNS white matter," Neuron, vol.
While RPAs have a demonstrated advantage over manned assets in uncontested and permissive environments, they may well represent a disadvantage in contested and nonpermissive environments.
The ability to operate in fast-paced, contested, nonpermissive, force-on-force engagements, particularly under conditions of degraded communications, will drive the need for increased autonomy.
Nonetheless, the broader story illustrates the contribution of each of the Services, including the Army, in conducting joint warfare in an unforgiving, nonpermissive environment.
Posen notes that it is not the challenge of air superiority but rather ground defenses that pose the most serious obstacle to command of the air in nonpermissive environments.