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Adj.1.non-paying - paying nothing; "non-paying guests"; "non-paying bidders on eBay"
unpaid - not paid; "unpaid wages"; "an unpaid bill"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈnɒnˈpeɪɪŋ] ADJ [member] → que no paga
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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We also made further strides in capturing opportunities within our non-paying user base.
Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 9pm A retired couple need help evicting a non-paying tenant, while a letting agent comes up against a hard drug user who is attracting anti-social types.
A wall/barrier is currently being constructed, I imagine to keep out non-paying interlopers for the upcoming BBC Radio 1 Big Weekend.
But it's typically 1 or 2 non-paying customers at a time, and if anything nonpaying customers are way more conscientious of cleaning up after themselves and throwing away their trash than the doctors and business men who spend 6 hours taking up a whole damn table after buying one coffee.
His topics include you are a business: now let us get to work, professional equipment for professional photographers, writing like a professional can solve many problems, pricing your work to stay in business, the value of offering internships, office and on-location systems: redundancy and security beget peace of mind, protecting your work: how and why, resolving slow-paying and non-paying clients, on being published, and valuing video (or motion) production as an adjunct to still photography.
There are some 20,000 care homes in the UK, mainly in private or charitable hands, and there are other contributory factors to the problems in this sector, namely abnormally high levels of borrowing relating to care home property purchases and the fall in the number of residents able to pay their own fees leaving heavy reliance on local authority funding for non-paying residents.
On Saturday, the Texas House voted 91-48 to disqualify any governor's big donors from appointments to state boards and commissions - an effort to end the practice of putting some of the most prestigious non-paying jobs in state government in the hands of people who give big donations.
Approximately USD 11m of the sequential decline in revenue was a result of the previously disclosed cleanups of CTF accounts that were determined to be non-paying following an intensified effort to address overdue accounts.
@ahandeman: "This is not an overbooking situation, this is four non-paying employees taking four seats that were already paid for.
According to Arrow, the portfolio comprises mainly unsecured, paying and non-paying loans.
On Thursday staff said they would refuse to cut supply to non-paying customers for the day, and from Friday employees in certain sections would down tools between 7am and 10am as a warning volley.

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