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noun defaulting, dodging, evasion, failure to pay She has received an eviction order for non-payment of rent.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


[ˈnɒnˈpeɪmənt] Nfalta f de pago, impago m
sued for non-payment of debtsdemandado por no pagar sus deudas
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
And now, there he sat, with the remains of a beard at least a week old encumbering his chin; a soiled and crumpled shirt-frill crouching, as it were, upon his breast, instead of standing boldly out; a demeanour so abashed and drooping, so despondent, and expressive of such humiliation, grief, and shame; that if the souls of forty unsubstantial housekeepers, all of whom had had their water cut off for non-payment of the rate, could have been concentrated in one body, that one body could hardly have expressed such mortification and defeat as were now expressed in the person of Mr Lillyvick the collector.
All Lord Dawlish's friends called him Bill, and he had a catholic list of them, ranging from men whose names were in 'Debrett' to men whose names were on the notice boards of obscure clubs in connexion with the non-payment of dues.
The special assistant to PM said that the prisoners were languishing in jails despite completion of their sentence due to non-payment of fines.
The airline's headquarters and other offices have already been sealed by the Federal Board of Revenue and the Civil Aviation Authority due to the non-payment of their dues in a large sum.
Summary: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) [India], May 20 (ANI): The Leader of Opposition in Madhya Pradesh Gopal Bhargava has urged state Governor to convene an assembly session soon to discuss pressing issues like drinking water, law and order and non-payment of farmers' dues.
Summary: Embassy asks Indians to report non-payment of wages early to avoid complications
DI KHAN:Over 1,400 Khasadar force personnel in South Waziristan have boycotted their duties in protest against non-payment of salaries for the last nine months.With this step, the Angoor Adda check post, the most sensitive crossing point on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, remains unmanned.
ISLAMABAD -- Ministry of Human Rights has increased the amount to Rs40,000 to pay on behalf of the deserving convict women who are confined in jails on account of non-payment of "Qisas" and "Diyat".
KARACHI -- The functioning of Sindh Government Liaquatabad Hospital has badly affected for several weeks as Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) has disconnected its gas supply for bill non-payment. Elective surgeries excluding Gynecology surgeries are not being carried out for about a month in this healthcare facility.
Last Thursday, the PS told MPs 387 bodies were also detained at the KNH's mortuary for non-payment of bills.
SIALKOT -- :Excise and Taxation (E and T) department sealed 240 commercial and residential properties over non-payment of taxes during an ongoing recovery campaign in Gujranwala division.