mobile unit

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mobile unit

nunità f inv mobile
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
The suit instituted by Seadrill Mobile Unit Nigeria Limited was to determine whether drilling operations fell within the definitions of 'Coastal Trade' and 'Cabotage' under the Coastal and Inland Shipping (Cabotage) Act, and whether on a proper interpretation of the Cabotage Act, drilling operations fell within the definition of 'vessels' under the Act.
The FiltraMag+ mobile unit is price positioned to be cost effective for single and multi-machine operations, providing effective contamination reduction."
Women attending for screening at the new mobile unit will not notice any difference in the service they receive.
Funded by Petplan Charitable Trust, the Pet Blood Bank mobile unit is a self-contained space where dogs can come to donate a unit of blood.
The SGT-A45 mobile unit is fully tested and pre-commissioned in the factory, and its trailer-mounted design minimizes the amount of construction work required on site.
Jeffrey Friedman, the organization's chief executive officer, said that the mobile unit will "help connect individuals and loved ones directly with treatment and recovery resources.
It added that with the two mobile units in operation, Hellenic now offers its services to people who live in 27 communities and have no easy access to bank branches.
SoftBank took more than one-third of its mobile unit public and was able to sell the full offering of 1.76 billion shares at the IPO price of 1,500 yen, beating the previous national records set by NTT in 1987 and its subsidiary NTT Docomo in 1998.
On the occasion, the DPO said the mobile unit was connected with the data base of the licensing branch at his office through internet and special arrangements had been made for electricity in it to provide hazard-free facility to the people.
One of the most important people involved with the mobile unit is Aaron Jackson, the mobile clinic coordinator, Whitt-Glover says.

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