

1. (Brewing) Caribbean a drink fermented in the West Indies from sweet potatoes
2. (Brewing) Caribbean a drink fermented in the West Indies from ginger
3. (Brewing) US the fermented juice of peaches and apples used in the production of brandy
4. (Brewing) US punch or brandy made from mobby
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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New York, NY, December 07, 2018 --( The Mobby's Awards recognize the best of the Mobile Industry and celebrate outstanding achievements and creativity, and insights of both individuals & businesses.
Mobby's Award for Excellence in Mobile, Entertainment & Digital Technology was attended by eminent dignitaries from various sectors.
Tokyo, Japan, June 19, 2007 - (JCN) - A high-performance WiFi phone from Mobile Technika, the Mobby Talk253 offers low power consumption through its superior power management capability.
Integrated with various applications, the Mobby Talk253 can be tailored to customer needs: For example, it supports safe and portable extension calls through a virtual private network as well as information exchange in voice-disabled areas.
There was violence the residents of the Close being goaded into forming a lynch mobby Barry Grant to hangand flog local drug dealer Michaelson.
My students trusted their friendships over all other relationships, playfully ironized and satirized their culture, were wise about the psychology of `systems' and `institutions' at a young age, and were less mobby about high culture and more open to exploring (and exposing!) artifice than their elders."
Sweet potatoes were particularly nourishing, either boiled or processed into a drink called mobby. Likewise, the cassava root had multiple uses, making an 'an excellent beer and bread'.
Within a few days of launch, ixigo's revamped app has won the prestigious MOBBY's Award 2013 for the best mobile travel app across platforms, at an award function held in Mumbai.
The ixigo Windows Phone app is India's most comprehensive travel planning & search app, and winner of the "2013 Mobbys Award for the Best Travel App" already available on all leading platforms including Android and iOS.
Its suite of mobile apps: ixigo app, trains (both Mobbys award winners), pnr status, road trips, buses and goa travel guide help over 2.5 million travellers every month in finding answers to their travel related queries.