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(Telecommunications) informal a mobile phone
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References in periodicals archive ?
"The business plan promotes asset regeneration, public health, social wellbeing and environmental wellbeing, and council officers acknowledge the hard work and commitment from Mobe to progress the project."
The new schedule of flights, which are set to start on July 10, will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, with a review scheduled for between then and October 23.The new aircraft has a 218-passenger capacity - four first class, 24 business class and 190 economy class seats - and adopts the three-cabin layout.According to Mr Mobe, the airline, which has been flying to Nairobi twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, will now afford passengers an additional day.
In the same vein, the presence of misleading and metrics hijacked journals has continually inflicted OAJs (Ware & Mobe, 2015).
But even more so in the following: "utloa morero o mobe oa Senzangakhona" (listen to Senzangakhona's evil scheme) and "Senzangakhona a phetha morero o mobe oa pelo ea hae" (Senzangakhona accomplished the evil design of his heart).
The service connects through VFX's proprietary digital payment gateway MoBe HUB, which enables instant credits in customer's accounts in Equity Bank.
Key differences in the 2003 NSHP and the 2012 ISHP 2003 NSHP * Political support Weak--low level of support from the MoH and none from the MoBE No media attention Context One of many child health polices developed in post-apartheid period, and relatively low priority v.
4) is identified as being filled by speakers of Mobe, Doraske, and Bokota (in the west) and Kuna (in the east), all Chibchan languages.
rig th" "But we think at this mobe bpsy moment the other players are better physically and also psychologically."
Mohamed 'Mobe' Camara started up an insistent djembe beat as Idrissa played a demented melody on the balafon before launching himself towards the audience and busting out some tribal dance moves.
Mohamed "Mobe" Camara started up an insistent djembe beat as Camara played a demented melody on the balafon before launching himself towards the audience and busting out some intense tribal dance moves.
Mobe Inc, a global provider of mobile money movement solutions, is to license CellTrust's SecureSMS 3.0 software to secure a mobile banking application.
Prior to the 1968 Chicago riots, David Dellinger, leader of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (otherwise known as Mobe or NMC), stated: "Our demonstrations shall be entirely peaceful....