Mobile Command

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Mobile Command

(Military) Canadian the Canadian army and other land forces
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The company now has public safety deployments on five continents and in every US state and territory -- enabling secure, mission-critical communications for vehicles, stations, mobile command centers, incident response teams, surveillance cameras, and other sites and devices over both commercial and dedicated public safety cellular networks.
As a mobile command and service module, the Gateway provides a communications relay for human and robotic expeditions to the lunar surface, starting at the Moon's South Pole.
Northrop Grumman has delivered the first of 11 mobile command posts to the Army.
A Fort Worth Fire Department mobile command truck also caught fire during the course of the morning after a tower camera crossed with power lines.
Personnel of the Makati Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO), Makati Social Welfare Department and Makati Health Department were placed on standby in its mobile command vehicle, which serves as its Incident Command Post, at the Makati City Hall Quadrangle.
According to Punjab Safe Cities Authority's spokesperson, the prisoner and witnesses were presented through live video with the use of PSCA's Mobile Command Van and LTE Advanced Network technology, to record the statement.
RTA field mobile command vehicle Dubai Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) has inaugurated the field command vehicle in support of its Crises Management Team to better equip the crises and emergencies operations on site
Then, Donatello's removable lab rises up and serves as the mobile command headquarters as the Turtles spy and plan to defeat the baddies below.
US telco Verizon cut back data service to a mobile command
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-April 16, 2018-Nomad GCS, Kymeta Government Solutions to bring COTM to mobile command centers
He said they will have a "mobile command center" for faster response when the need arises.

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