

(Communications & Information)
a. a podcast created and uploaded using a mobile phone
b. a collection of such podcasts on a website, esp when submitted by people attending a particular event
(Communications & Information) (tr) to contribute (a podcast) to such a collection using a mobile phone
[C21: from mob(ile) + (pod)casting and influenced by mob]
ˈmobˌcasting n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Capstone Games plans to release "Champions Manager," a role playing game, co-developed with MOBCAST Games, within the month.
Japanese game company Mobcast and Eitarosoft are currently working on a game temporarily titled 'Project U,' reports SoraNews24.
(NYSE: NQ) said that gaming subsidiary FL Mobile has entered into an agreement with Japanese game operator Mobcast and developer Gumi Inc.
Tesco, the U.K.'s biggest retailer, has made a concerted drive into digital entertainment over the past 18 months, with the acquisition of VOD platform Blinkbox, music site WE7 and most recently, e-book seller Mobcast.
Mobcast, set up by Mr McNab and chief executive Tony Lynch in 2007, provides a platform for companies to sell e-books and currently works with Orange mobile.
Mobcast has a catalogue of more than 130,000 of the UK's most popular titles which can be bought and read on smartphones, tablets and e-readers.
British retailer Tesco Plc (LON:TSCO) announced that it had acquired digital book platform provider Mobcast.
4 September 2012 - British retailer Tesco Plc (LON:TSCO) announced on Tuesday that it had acquired digital book platform provider Mobcast.
Mobcast was founded in 2007 by CEO Tony Lynch and bestselling author Andy McNab.