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craziness, madness
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One of my favourites, for its sheer loopiness, is the bearded lady disease, which postulates schizophrenia as a consequence of unresolved homosexual impulses.
Corporation shows of ever more expansive brand of rocking fun and loopiness while there's an off kilter indulgence about Hypermisophoniac.
I love the compelling, hypnotic loopiness of them and how quickly they deliver the point without needing sound or anything else.
There's a special kind of confusion and circadian loopiness that accompanies landing in different countries one after the other without ever seeing daylight.
There's a method to Beckett's madness, a logic to the loopiness. To do the play defying or ignoring this peculiar senseinnonsense risks disaster.
The actor fits nicely into the mix alongside seasoned funnymen Robinson and Corddry, aided by a genial air of anything-goes loopiness that keeps one's better judgment in check for much of the 93-minute running time.
One of the country's largest and certainly most unusual estates, Mezhyhirya evokes both die overwrought grandeur of Versailles and the unhinged loopiness of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
The film then flies into loopiness as bodies fall and dark obsessions and jealousy take over.
But it also recognizes the undercurrent of despair and sometime downright loopiness that emerges when most everyone thinks they know most everything that's going on.
Without getting into the loopiness of ancient wisdom, our habits of solitary eating and multitasking while eating are, in fact, a break from how we cooked and ate for millennia.
Atwood has said in an interview that she is "exploring [her] inner nitwit" (Atwood, "Books" 56) when she writes her alliterative fables and, despite the seriousness of the discussion above, the sense of loopiness and high-energy, cockeyed fun is strong throughout this book about the radical disempowerment of children.
The loopiness of modern life grows so common as hardly to call attention to itself anymore.