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(Cookery) laver seaweed fried as a breakfast food; popular in Wales
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Thanks to her, Mr Roger Dalzell, a close family friend, has tinned Welsh laverbread delivered to his home regularly in Balsham, Cambridgeshire.
Visitors to the annual Welsh Conservative Party Conference worried about David Cameron's direction could be choking on their laverbread when the speakers' list for next March's event is published.
At Tyddyn Llan, one of my favourite ways to serve bass is with a Laverbread sauce using a basic fish veloute, which you can make at home with many variations
SWANSEA Bay laverbread could soon be hitting Japanese sushi restaurants thanks to the city's proposed new tidal lagoon.
CARDIFF | Kelp sees Welsh laverbread re-branded and repackaged for the health conscious consumer at National Museum Cardiff from tomorrow until September 1.
Add Laverbread and serve For a saffron sauce add a few stems and some chopped tomatoes.
Then add the mussels, cockles, laverbread and asparagus, bring back to boil, add herbs and reduce heat.
ROAST WILD BASS WITH LAVERBREAD BUTTER SAUCE Serves 4 Ingredients 4 150g pieces wild bass, skin on and bones removed 4 finely-chopped shallots 1 tbs white wine vinegar 250g butter 1 175 ml glass dry white wine Salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper Juice half a lemon 2 tbs laverbread 2 tbs double cream 300g raw washed spinach 50g extra butter Method Put the white wine, vinegar and shallots into a saucepan and slowly reduce.
Serves four Ingredients For the pastry 150g (5oz) plain flour Pinch salt 75g (3oz) cold butter Ice cold water For the filling 150ml (quarter pint) milk 150ml (quarter pint) single cream 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon laverbread 8 rashers smoked bacon cooked and diced 250g (9oz) cockles 100g (4oz) Caerphilly cheese grated Salt and pepper to taste Method To make pastry rub butter and flour together to resemble breadcrumbs.
Divide the mixture between the buttered ramekins, spoon in a little laverbread into the centre and place in a roasting tin with a little water.
MAIN FINGER LICKING LAMB WITH LAVERBREAD HERB SAUCE The best way to eat these lamb racks is to cut them into cutlets, dip in the laverbread and herb sauce followed by the lemon crumbs.