law centre

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law centre

(Law) Brit an office, usually staffed by professional volunteers, at which free legal advice and information are provided to the general public
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Islanders on Mull and Iona have brought in a community law centre to fight proposed new parking charges.
Govan Law Centre are looking to identify "public interest litigation" against Glasgow City Council, the Glasgow School of Art and Kier Construction on behalf of 33 displaced households in Garnethill and 55 Sauchiehall Street businesses over their treatment.
Many readers will already know about Renfrewshire Law Centre's decision to close its doors for the final time.
A LAW centre which offers free legal advice to hundreds of people has issued an appeal for donations.
The couple announced that their Clooney Foundation for Justice is supporting the Southern Poverty Law Centre with a million-dollar (PS780,000) grant to combat hate groups in the US.
HC is hearing plea moved by Law Centre against Bar Council that reduced seats
STOCKTON Law Centre celebrated its fifth birthday - with a pledge to step up its battle for survival.
Kirklees Citizens' Advice & Law Centre, based in Huddersfield and Dewsbury, is offering free support.
LAW centre set up just two years ago to help some of the city's most vulnerable people and fill the gap left following the collapse of Birmingham Law Centre has landed a major national legal award.
STAFF at the Coventry Law Centre are celebrating after being nominated for a prestigious national award.
Hisham Mubarak Law Centre notified the general prosecutor of the solidarity strike of two prominent activists on Monday.
A NEW legal group has risen from the ashes of the old Birmingham Law Centre to provide free help to the city's neediest residents.