lavatory paper

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Related to lavatory paper: Joseph Cayetty

lavatory paper

Brit another name for toilet paper
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

lavatory paper

n (Brit) → carta igienica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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I have collected a whole load of stuff that defines how it will most likely work out but you will not like it if you are a farmer, a banker, a city trader, own a house, want to save a bit for the kids, want to buy stuff like medicine or lavatory paper. (That shot on the news of the NHS lavatory paper warehouse, impressive eh?) Maybe the City boys should float a company for the warehouse?
A series of mishaps that followed included suggesting tractors could be fitted with machine guns to help the equipment crisis and his lavatory paper bearing Vladimir Putin's face.
Prince Charles' staff also packed a small radio, his lavatory seat, rolls of Premium Comfort lavatory paper, Laphroaig whiskey and bottled water.
Thousands had slept out in key positions, flooding into the capital the evening before carrying food, tin-openers, lavatory paper, babies, bottles of beer, sausage rolls and, of course, flags.
"The more I work, the more I think I don't know what I am doing" - British Turner Prize-winning artist Martin Creed, whose latest work, a room-sized installation composed entirely of rolls of lavatory paper, has baffled New York.
They would be forced to spend a year and a half together in a 14ft x 12 ft Dragon space craft, accompanied by supplies ranging from more than a tonne of dehydrated food to 28kg of lavatory paper.
They would rather spend dollars on chubby, shiny-faced middle-income families who need lavatory paper, ice cream, palm oil and beef patties.
The contestants in the game, called Queue, have to queue to buy ten mundane items including lavatory paper, coffee and a guide to Bulgaria.
I'd warned the kids that it might not be a weekend break for the faint hearted, and the looks on their faces when I explained moss and leaves might have to serve as lavatory paper will live with me forever.
From Mon-Sat it could be called toilet tissue but on Sundays it had to be referred to as lavatory paper. The pups first appeared in 1972.
But Dr Davies said: "It is highly improbable anyone capable of giving so tasteless a gift as lavatory paper would have chosen the accompanying card for cultural or intellectual reasons."
Charles gets away with it by charging all his servants to the British taxpayer, including the bloke who puts the toothpaste on his brush, the other bloke who makes sure his favourite teddy is where Charles wants it and the guy who tends his favourite, lovingly soft, lavatory paper.