laver bread

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laver bread

1. (Cookery) laver seaweed fried as a breakfast food; popular in Wales
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A seafood lover's heaven, this summery treat includes locally caught crab, laver bread, fresh cockles, Keta 'caviar', smoked salmon and prawn cocktail.
Dishes include thyme-battered frogs legs, charcuterie, steak tartar, cockles and laver bread and baked camembert.
Cross the The Worm's Head Hotel, Rhossili Bay The bar has a traditional pub menu with Welsh delicacies like rarebit, laver bread and Gower salt marsh lamb.
My friend had the cockles and laver bread, with toasted Lighthouse loaf, smoked bacon and fried egg (PS7) - it had all the hallmarks of a perfect Welsh brunch dish.
They come with a laver bread [traditional Welsh seaweed wafers] and mayonnaise - that's a really great flavour for seasoning dishes."
My wife went for roast hake with laver bread sauce and jersey royals.
In which part of the UK is laver bread a popular breakfast dish?
Typical dishes on the tasting menu are likely to include sweetcorn soup, dressed crab and langoustine with fennel and pea shoot salad, deep fried stuffed courgette flowers with tomato and basil sauce, grilled wild bass with laver bread butter sauce, and fillet of Welsh black beef with shallot and thyme puree.
The next day after checking out of our hotel and having a hearty breakfast, which included the option for the local seaweed laver bread, we visited the Mumbles - a seaside village just a few miles along the coast.
What's the main ingredient in the Welsh delicacy laver bread? solar system 1.
Edible seaweed laver bread is harvested off the Welsh coast and canned in Wales.
It may be the 21st century but it's still the land of choirs, laver bread, cawl, welshcakes ...