industrial design

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industrial design

(Professions) the art or practice of designing any object for manufacture
industrial designer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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'The fees for Industrial Design Certificate has been reduced to RO50 for college and university students and researchers and RO250 for SMEs.'
Earlier this year at CES, Alienware began rolling out a new design identity, Alienware's Legend industrial design, which was seen as a bold departure from its current look and the sea of sameness in the industry.
(USOTC: ALYI) has confirmed that its African production partner has signed-off the company's industrial design specifications plan for the ReVolt Electric Motorcycle to be mass produced for sales in Africa.
He also advised to commercialise some of the best architecture and industrial design projects.
"Visibility, operator comfort and ergonomics were quickly identified as the key areas of focus along with blade articulation and manoeuvrability," said Gary Major, director of LiuGong's Industrial Design unit.
The students, all of whom are in the industrial design program at Kean's Michael Graves College Robert Busch School of Design, collaborated on the project that brainstormed new means of transportation.
Degrees were awarded in the disciplines of Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. In his convocation address, the chief guest felicitated the graduating students and their proud parents and faculty.
2881/- and has won the first prize in Bangalore Design Championship under Industrial Design category.
An industrial design, meanwhile, protects the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article.
An industrial design protects the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article, and is also a right that gives the owner the exclusive right against unauthorized copying or imitation of the design.
Industrial design has an integrated approach with art, science, and business through ideologies, practices, shapes, and patterns.

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