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(in South Africa) a Black African overseer in a factory, mine, etc
[C20: from Zulu nduna an official]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Come hither," he called, to a very old Induna or councillor, who was sitting with others in a circle round the king, but out of ear-shot.
Infadoos, my uncle, and my Induna, shall take you by the hand and guide you with a regiment.
Then I would cause him to be advanced to be an induna, and a general ready to lead the impis of the king, for he who leads the impis is already half a king.
Pursuant to the press release dated March 15, 2019, the Company has issued 25,030 common shares at a deemed price of $2.57 per common shares to Induna Energy Inc.
But that wasn't quite enough excitement for one day and we decided to then take a short trip to Induna Adventure Center, just outside Hazyview, for an hour-long quad bike tour.
To me, what makes South Africa different has disturbing echoes of the immortal words of one Ndebele induna in 1868 during the fracas that preceded the installation of King Lobengula.
Mqhayi ignores the idea that the induna's eyes were expressionless as in the English text.
His ship, a Glasgow freighter, SS Induna, carrying aviation fuel, was sunk on March 30, 1942, while on an Arctic Convoy and he spent four days in a lifeboat with three others until they were picked up by a Russian patrol ship.