industrial air pollution

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Noun1.industrial air pollution - pollution resulting from an industrial plant discharging pollutants into the atmosphereindustrial air pollution - pollution resulting from an industrial plant discharging pollutants into the atmosphere
air pollution - pollution of the atmosphere; "air pollution reduced the visibility"
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Dust storms are influenced by human activities and are now just as serious as traffic and industrial air pollution. .
Here in Shropshire, the Ironbridge Power Station was the dominant point-source of industrial air pollution and Telford & Wrekin's (T&W) high infant mortality rates were "explained away" by citing lower socio-economic status, or deprivation.
Industrial pollution is also a major aspect, as a report from as far back as 1997, issued by the World Bank stated, "hundreds of thousands of premature deaths and incidents of serious respiratory illness have been caused by exposure to industrial air pollution. Seriously contaminated by industrial discharges, many of China's waterways are largely unfit for direct human use."
Kate Brown and the Legislature launched a Cleaner Air Oregon initiative to track and reduce industrial air pollution. But now an audit by the secretary of state's office has found that the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is unable to enforce existing air pollution regulations, let alone new ones.
This book presents a detailed history of London fog, a combination of industrial air pollution and natural fog that afflicted London from the early days of industrialization through to a period of legislation passed to limit pollution in the mid-20th century.
The Ontario environmental movement did not begin with Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962) nor with Earth Day, writes O'Connor, but rather as a response to industrial air pollution exposed in the 1967 CBC documentary 7he Air of Death.
Pakistan's brown environmental problems include industrial waste water pollution, domestic waste water pollution, vehicle emissions, urban and industrial air pollution, and marine and coastal zone pollution.
( Industrial Air Pollution May Help Search for Alien Life - Scientists
Air pollution's role in ill health THE financial crisis in the NHS (Daily Post, June 16) follows a lack of political will to acknowledge the harm to health from industrial air pollution, which is known to be linked to a range of illnesses and also to premature deaths at all ages.
For example, the haphazard industries at different locations like Band road and Icchra can be monitored which will give the industrial air pollution behavior of the commercial areas of Lahore.

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