industrial espionage

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industrial espionage

(Commerce) attempting to obtain trade secrets by dishonest means, as by telephone- or computer-tapping, infiltration of a competitor's workforce, etc
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"When you're at Microsoft, you're at risk of state sponsored industrial espionage. These days we generally think of hacking in criminal or traditional geopolitical espionage.
Its mysterious disappearance has spawned countless conspiracy theories ranging from industrial espionage to alien abduction.
The three were charged with industrial espionage, violating business and banking secrecy, and breaking stock exchange law.
As its name suggests, industrial espionage involves companies deploying spying schemes to gain privileged actionable intelligence about business competitors.
WASHINGTON, April 21 (KUNA) -- A Florida woman has been accused of industrial espionage for the Chinese government of blueprints for US submarines and other underwater drone equipment.
The fresh lawsuit comes just weeks after revelations that the FBI has launched its own investigation into the case as the US government attempts to clamp on perceived acts of industrial espionage.
TEHRAN (FNA)- The European aviation consortium Airbus said it would file criminal charges over industrial espionage, following reports that US and German foreign intelligence spied on the industry giant.
Despite tight controls, industrial espionage has been a major concern, particularly in the F-35 program.
Though industrial espionage has been around a long time, the fact is that our smartphones, social media sites and Internet applications have opened up unprecedented opportunities for skilled adversaries to penetrate company systems and hide in the background undetected so they can swipe all kinds of proprietary information.
Summary: Switzerland has charged a former computer analyst at HSBC's private bank in Geneva with industrial espionage and breaching the country's secrecy laws for passing confidential client data to foreign authorities.

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