industrial archaeology

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industrial archaeology

(Archaeology) the study of past industrial machines, works, etc
industrial archaeologist n
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To achieve this, we'll be tapping into archival research, historic maps and images, oral histories, and industrial archaeology.
Industrial archaeology - saving the bricks, mortar and steel - began in the 60s when historians realised that mills, coal mines, ceramic works and even gasometers tell a different story of yesteryear from the country houses of the rich and famous.
Andrew Hayward, director at Brownhill Hayward Brown, said: "The Malt House is a prime example of the industrial architecture from the Victorian era and was home to one of the three surviving malt house kilns in the country, so only a highly sensitive design to respect the industrial archaeology would be accepted.
The Warwickshire Industrial Archaeology Society will hold a meeting at the Bridge Theatre in Warwick on June 12.
The project also brought people together from the various community organizations with other individuals interested in industrial archaeology.
Lionel Thomas Caswall Rolt (1910-74) wrote prolificacy about British railways, canals, museums, industrial archaeology and engineering biography; this essay considers his writings up to 1954, when his practical involvements in conservation reduced.
Excavate the region's past on Saturday, April 27 on an Industrial Archaeology Course.
The project has considerable significance in the fields of industrial archaeology and African archaeology, and underlines Qatar and the Qatar Foundation's international standing as investors in research and global cultural heritage.
"It had a wonderful, working country life and I discovered what a wonderful character for industrial archaeology it had.

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