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v. in·dulged, in·dulg·ing, in·dulg·es
a. To yield to (a desire or whim); gratify: indulge a craving for chocolate.
b. To yield to the desires or whims of (someone), often excessively: We indulged our daughter on her birthday. See Synonyms at pamper.
2. Roman Catholic Church To grant an ecclesiastical indulgence or dispensation to.
1. To indulge oneself: eyed the desserts but didn't indulge.
2. To engage or take part, especially freely or avidly: indulged in outrageous behavior; indulged in all the latest fads.

[Latin indulgēre; see dlegh- in Indo-European roots.]

in·dulg′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
As discussed on the panel, today's emerging affluent consumer, what JennAir has deemed 'the new modern luxe discerning indulger' consumer, is the bullseye target.
New Zealand is packed with destinations suited for every type of traveler, be it the nature explorer, culture indulger or the urban adventurer.
Thus, posting on Friends' Walls and the Status updates on one's own Wall are forms of social performance, which, under specific circumstances, can cogenerate solidarity over a mutual concern as well as encouraging opinionated stances, and, lastly, functioning as a pro forma indulger in anti-normative behavior (see SIDE).
Addictions pit two opposing forces against one another, write the authors: the "Indulger" (the addictive part) and the "Inner Controller" (the Inner Critic part).
The first he describes as the "Emotional Indulger," a group that represents 46% of in-store bakery purchases and is motivated by pure indulgence and craving.
Today's California--reckless spender in the booms, feckless cutter in the busts, thoughtless booster of every bubble, mindless indulger of spoiled interest groups, and senseless elector of weak public officials--looks wan and sickly.
1466), canon regular and humanist scholar, critic of churchmen and indulger of genteel pleasures, champion of the Greek New Testament and advocate of a moralizing philosophy of Christ, is sometimes said to have lacked the courage or decisiveness to choose, to go Catholic or Protestant during the last fifteen years of his life.
Which festival is recognised in many parts ol the world as the last opportunity for indulger before the start of Lent?
(McWilliams chooses this sensible new locution to avoid the sophistry over the alleged "victims" of victimless crimes, such as the upset relatives or those who can no longer count on the continued support of the indulger.)
Indulging: The indulger likes to kick off her shoes, snuggle up on the sofa and enjoy a well-earned glass of gin and tonic or Bailey's after a long day at the office.
This technique of heroic rhetoric is often attractive, because it generates emotional results at little cost to the indulgers' deeply rooted fears.