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1. A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.
2. A place of shelter; a refuge.
tr.v. har·bored, har·bor·ing, har·bors
1. To give shelter to: harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive.
2. To provide a place, home, or habitat for: a basement that harbors a maze of pipes; streams that harbor trout and bass.
3. To entertain or nourish (a specified thought or feeling): harbor a grudge.

[Middle English herberwe, probably from Old English herebeorg, lodging; see koro- in Indo-European roots.]

har′bor·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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What a situation, now, for a patriotic senator, that had been all the week before spurring up the legislature of his native state to pass more stringent resolutions against escaping fugitives, their harborers and abettors!
The relationship was again placed under strain following the killing of bin Laden, with many Afghan figures, including President Karzai, using the discovery of bin Laden's hiding place to portray Pakistan as insincere and as a harborer of regional militant figures.
economy, a destroyer of the environment, and a harborer of corrupt officials, crooked businesses, and victimized citizens.
The New York Times' William Safire has weighed in with his own suspicions about Saddam, writing that "no indisputable smoking gun may ever be found, but it is absurd to claim--in the face of what we already know--that Iraq is not an active collaborator with, harborer of, and source of sophisticated training and unconventional weaponry for bin Laden's world terror network."
Only when you look closely at the proposed language do you find that the government has carefully chosen to create this prohibition by inserting terrorism crimes into the only existing antiharboring statute, under which the threshold of proof is that the alleged harborer "should have known" that he was doing so.