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 (hə-răs′, hăr′əs)
tr.v. ha·rassed, ha·rass·ing, ha·rass·es
1. To subject (another) to hostile or prejudicial remarks or actions; pressure or intimidate.
2. To irritate or torment persistently: His mind was harassed by doubts and misgivings.
3. To make repeated attacks or raids on (an enemy, for example).

[French harasser, from Old French (a la) harache, (a la) harace (as in courre a la harache, to chase) : hare, call used to set dogs on (of Germanic origin; see ko- in Indo-European roots) + -ache, -ace, deprecative n. suff.]

ha·rass′er n.
ha·rass′ment n.
Synonyms: harass, harry, hound, badger, pester, plague
These verbs mean to trouble persistently or incessantly. Harass and harry imply systematic persecution by besieging with repeated annoyances, threats, or demands: The landlord harassed the tenants who were behind in their rent. "John Adams and John Quincy Adams, pillars of personal rectitude, were harried throughout their presidencies by accusations of corruption, fraud, and abuses of power" (Alan Brinkley and Davis Dyer).
Hound suggests unrelenting pursuit to gain a desired end: Reporters hounded the celebrity for an interview. To badger is to nag or entreat persistently: The child badgered his parents for a new bicycle. To pester is to inflict a succession of petty annoyances: "How she would have pursued and pestered me with questions and surmises" (Charlotte Brontë).
Plague refers to a problem likened to a noxious disease: "As I have no estate, I am plagued with no tenants or stewards" (Henry Fielding).
Usage Note: The pronunciation of harass with stress on the first syllable (rhyming roughly with Paris) is the older, traditional pronunciation. The pronunciation with stress on the second syllable (rhyming roughly with surpass) is a newer pronunciation that first occurred in American English. Its use has steadily increased since the mid-1900s. In our 1987 survey, 50 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the pronunciation with stress on the first syllable, and 50 percent preferred stress on the second syllable. Fourteen years later, in our 2001 survey, preference for stress on the first syllable dropped to 30 percent while preference for stress on the second syllable rose to 70 percent. The results from our 2013 survey suggest that this trend away from the traditional pronunciation has continued: only 10 percent preferred the stress on the first syllable, whereas 90 percent preferred the pronunciation with the stress on the second syllable. In fact, in 2013, 35 percent of the Panel considered the pronunciation with the stress on the first syllable to be unacceptable. The original pronunciation has almost completely given way in only a few decades, at least in the United States.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.harasser - a persistent tormentor
persecutor, tormenter, tormentor - someone who torments
2.harasser - a persistent attacker; "the harassers were not members of the regular army"
aggressor, assailant, assaulter, attacker - someone who attacks
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
She explained that the harasser did not recognize her at the time; because she was not wearing any makeup, expressing her shock by the reaction of people who gathered around her and her sister and blamed them for replying to the man.
'It is widely assumed that a lack of empathy for female victims explains why people blame them, but we actually found that empathy for the male sexual harasser was a more consistent explanation of variability in victim blame.
To improve responding, everyone but especially men should be mindful that their empathy for a male sexual harasser can increase their likelihood of blaming women for being sexually harassed.
'But I'm just trying to express my appreciation of someone's looks,' a harasser might say.
However, this seems to be a far-fetched demand, as most local workplaces lack the required regulations that criminalise sexual harassment, despite being already criminalised by the Egyptian law punishing the harasser with at least six month in prison, and if he has an authority over the victim, with two years and up to five years in prison, and fines in some cases.
Social media users have launched the hashtag #?????_??????(Al Qasabi harasser), shaming him for his act and asking the authorities to arrest him.
They called out Lux Style Awards for nominating an accused sexual harasser this year.
First model, Eman Suleman, boycotted the award ceremony, refusing to share the stage with an alleged sexual harasser - also a nominee.
This means that if a harasser is not an AUB student or faculty member, Title IX is not applicable to them.
The varsity students maintained that the man tried to blackmail them over their photos which he probably acquired by hacking university database.FIA team traced the harasser and arrested him from his residence inIlyasParkarea of the city.
Ombudsperson Punjab Rukhsana Gillani remarked that silence is not a solution to the menace of sexual harassment rather it encourages the harasser which is also proved in this complaint.
The Ombudsperson remarked that silence was not a solution to the menace of sexual harassment, rather it encourages the harasser, which was also proved in this complaint.