harbour seal

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Related to harbour seal: Grey Seal

harbour seal

(Animals) a common earless seal, Phoca vitulina, that is greyish-black with paler markings: found off the coasts of North America, N Europe, and NE Asia
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References in periodicals archive ?
The harbour seal and rarer grey seal both live on the Scottish coast.
The harbour seal has a smaller, more rounded head with smaller V-shaped nostrils.
A video of Heather, a 12-year-old harbour seal, will be seen by more than five million people when it airs on Bucchigiri, one of the country's most popular shows on the TBS network.
The seal was observed within a small group of islands that hosts a harbour seal colony.
(Inset) A harbour seal settles into its new home Pictures: JEFF PITT
Growth and development in free-ranging harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) pups from southern British Columbia.
A biologist was detained at Boston's Logan International Airport after a severed head of a harbour seal was found in his luggage.
Springer, lead author of the study, notes that the harbour seal population declined first, followed by fur seals, then sea lions, then the blubberless sea otters in the 1990s.
Clines revisited: the timing of pupping in the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina).