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(ˈhɑːrə) or


(Placename) a city in E Ethiopia: former capital of the Muslim state of Adal. Pop: 96 000 (2005 est)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or Har•rar

(ˈhɑr ər)

a city in E Ethiopia. 122,932.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Registrar LHC Khurshid Anwar Rizvi, Director General District Judiciary Punjab Muhammad Akmal Khan, District and Session Judge (DSJ) Sialkot Malik Ali Zulqarnain Awan, DSJ Narowal Muhammad Yousaf Oujla, President DBA Sialkot Kh Hafiz Irfan ul Haq Advocate, Secretary DBA Sialkot Suhail Iqbal Harar Advocate, DCO Sialkot Dr Farrukh Naveed, DPO Sialkot Asad Sarfraz and others were also present on the occasion.
In eastern Harar province, children are further benefiting from the growth of specialty coffee giving back to the community's primary education.
These and other single-origin, "grand cru" African Arabica coffees, which also include Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and Harar Teaberry, are highly prized in the rapidly growing speciality sector in Western Europe and the US.
BGI has been in Ethiopia for more than 15 years, while Heineken entered Ethiopia in 2011 when it acquired the state-owned Harar and Bedele breweries.
The verdict comes two weeks after Ethiopia's National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) announced the arrest of 15 people alleged to be members of Somalia's al-Shabab The intelligence agency then said the suspected militants were trained by al-Shabab militants in neighboring Somalia and Kenya and they were plotting terrorist attacks in Ethiopia's Somali and Harar Regional States.
Thus takaful was developed based on the concept of 'tabarru' which resolves the issue of 'riba', 'harar' (transaction with uncertainty) and 'maysir' that are encountered in the definition of an insurance contract," he added.
Dutch brewer Heineken (AMS:HEIA) has won an auction to buy state-owned breweries Bedele and Harar in Ethiopia for USD163.3m (EUR110.23m), Wondafrash Asefa, spokesman for the countrya[euro](tm)s privatisation agency, told Reuters on Tuesday.
The historic route covers the ancient town of Axum with its amazing carved obelisks, festivals and relics including the Ark of the Covenant, Gondar with its castles and palaces, Lalibela with its remarkable rock-hewn churches and the walled Muslim city of Harar. The ancient city of Harar was - and still is - well-known for its Islamic learning and scholarship, as well as it handicrafts including weaving, basket making and bookbinding.
The novel moves between the walled Muslim city of Harar in the last years of Haile Selassie's empire and Margaret Thatcher's Britain ten years later, where a community of Muslims from this part of Africa are struggling to create new lives for themselves in exile.