


[ˈfʊlˈblɑːst] ADV [work] → a pleno rendimiento; [travel] → a toda velocidad; [play music etc] → a todo volumen
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
She said repetitive, full-blast jingles were tantamount to noise pollution.
is mobilizing initial civil works for the P23.3-billion Connector Road, in time for the full-blast construction of the said highway in the first half of 2019.
An opposition House leader proposed the use of "citizen diplomacy" coupled with global support to stop China's supposed full-blast massive reclamation in the disputed West Philippine Sea.
He listens to the songs at full-blast on a 26-year-old record player and is planning to go to his first gig next month - to see favourite group Megadeth.
It was my phone number, and I received her views full-blast. 'After all I have been through, there is no possibility of healing for me,' she said.
Already Tommy's pan-world cuisine is turning up at private parties, intimate gatherings and full-blast events.
The historic ability of the White House to control the news tended to disappear during the Clinton years but returned full-blast on 9/11.
They know that cars come with a raft of creature comforts, yet every bus or train has windows that can only be opened with Semtex and heating that's permanently off or on full-blast. And that's before we start on the graffiti, old chewing-gum and the general patina of antique filth.
They had the TV on full-blast although no one was watching it.
With a total of 10 clubs in its initial year, MPBL televised, should be able to go full-blast starting its second season.
The full-blast installation would come soon after the Philippine International Trading Corp., an affiliate unit of the Department of Trade and Industry, would have picked the winning bids in installing the Wi-fi connections.
'The company is going full-blast with its projects including joint ventures with Cebu City and Cebu province.