full-cream milk

Related to full-cream milk: half-and-half

full-cream milk

[ˌfʊlkriːmˈmɪlk] Nleche f (con toda la nata)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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The rate of imported 25kg bag of full-cream milk powder is Rs12,200 as compared to the past year's rate of Rs6,000-8,000, which has increased due to massive rupee devaluation against the dollar, he said.
Meanwhile, a 10-item box for up to six people includes one kilo each of rice, lentils, sugar and salt, 4 litres of full-cream milk, 1.8 litres of milk, 600g of premium Sahari dates, 200g each of turmeric and chilli powder and a box of 25 tea bags, said the value supermarket.
'FRITTELLE DI CILIEGIE' (CHERRY FRITTERS) INGREDIENTS: (Makes 24) 200g plain flour; 3tsp baking powder; 120g sugar; Zest of 1 lemon; 1 egg; 180ml full-cream milk; Splash of Alchermes or rum (optional); 200g fresh cherries, pitted and roughly chopped; Vegetable oil, for frying; Salt METHOD: 1.
I'm always happy to raise a pint of full-cream milk to thank them" - Environment Secretary Michael Gove?
I'm always happy to raise a pint of full-cream milk to thank them" Environment Secretary Michael Gove?
'Olper's Full Cream Milk Powder is produced by removing the moisture content (water) from natural, full-cream milk and by adding some extra nutrients like vitamins and calcium.
Two years ago, Vunipola saw former England team-mate Joe Marler recover within month from a broken leg by daily drinking two pints of full-cream milk.
INGREDIENTS For the peach and amaretto jam: 1.4kg peaches 600g granulated sugar Two tablespoons lemon juice Three tablespoons Amaretto liqueur For the genoise sponge base: 125g unrefined golden caster sugar Four medium free-range eggs 125g plain flour 25g butter, melted For the creme patissiere: 280ml full-cream milk Two vanilla pods Four medium free-range egg yolks 60g unrefined golden caster sugar 20g plain flour 20g cornflour For the roasted peaches: Four peaches A good splash of fresh lemon juice A little caster sugar Extras: 125g amaretti biscuits Amaretto liqueur Greaseproof paper A few sprigs of mint, verbena or thyme METHOD First, make the jam: Prepare a large bowl of iced water.
NOT MUCH fatty food, such as fatty meats, cheeses, full-cream milk, fried food, butter, etc.
According to the plan, the company will import skimmed milk powder from India and full-cream milk powder from either New Zealand or Europe for producing long-life milk, other milk products like yogurt and laban and re-packed milk powder.
The new rule will cover 24-hour shops known to serve Karak tea, a strong and dark tea that is mellowed with full-cream milk and warm spices that is very popular among the youth.