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(Elements & Compounds) a crystalline form of a fullerene
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References in periodicals archive ?
(I have since learned that Buckminster Fuller celebrated another Fullerite with similar extravagance.) I have always regretted not taking him up on the offer and, more, not asking him what he considered the great kinship between his work and his crazy Aunt Margaret's.
In addition, [C.sub.60] fullerite tips are suitable for testing extremely hard surfaces because the tip material is used to scratch diamond.
40 Ultrahard fullerite, discovered in 2005, which can scratch diamonds, is made up of molecules each containing how many carbon atoms?
In its essential features, it is a gospel for Fullerite believers only.
To make this material, christened "fullerite," they vaporize a bar of graphite within a helium-filled chamber maintained at about one-eighth atmospheric pressure.