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Complete; thoroughgoing: "a full-bore investigation into the damaging leak" (Tom Morganthau).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


moving or operating at the greatest speed or with maximum power.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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'Trump then went full-bore against the UK disinviting the veteran diplomat from several events and the administration canceling an important meeting with UK trade minister Liam Fox.
figure By AYUMBA AYODI Great Britain's full-bore shooting head coach, William Richards, is back in the country to conduct a series clinics with Kenyan firers at the Kenya Defence Forces Shooting Range in Laikipia.National Full-bore captain Sanford Otundo disclosed on Tuesday that Richards will be in the country for a week.
Gold Coast Commonwealth Games full-bore semifinalist Christopher Saina used his experience from the Club Games last month to win the 2018 Mini Bisley shooting competition held over four days at the Defence Forces Rifle Range in Nanyuki.
Though the country has taken tepid steps on the road to applying anti-trust laws full-bore, it is encouraging that such steps have been applied to the vital sector of telecommunications as a springboard for further applications in the nation's other economic sectors, he said.
"But what is different today is that we are moving to a full-bore chroming process, versus chroming just the powder chamber for the 155mm howitzer tube used on today's Paladin howitzer."
The AccessESP system offers significantly lower intervention costs, reduces lost production and provides full-bore access to the reservoir by eliminating the need for a workover rig.
That sort of thing's not entirely unusual, but this is a band that's not afraid to make the changes whiplash sudden: From full-bore thrash to quiet and pretty, then back again.
HARLEQUINS director of rugby Conor O'Shea insists the Amlin Challenge Cup remains a priority after naming a "full-bore" team for tonight's quarter-final against Stade Francais.
QUITO, Ecuador, Ramadan 8, 1434, Jul 17, 2013, SPA -- Scientists said lava flow and ash and gas emissions have intensified at a second Ecuadorean volcano, Reventador, as the full-bore eruption of the Tungurahua cone continues, AP reported.