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a series of entertainments, such as singing, dancing, and comedy acts, performed in a nightclub
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.floorshow - a series of acts at a night club
show - the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; "a remarkable show of skill"
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ANOTHER stunning floorshow produced a hatful of medals for Newcastle's Hwa Rang School of Taekwondo.
Now, I'll be honest, for me, there aren't enough baubles and tinsel in the world, so much do I enjoy the gaudy floorshow that is the festive season.
Now, I'll be honest, for me there aren't enough baubles and tinsel in the world so much do I enjoy the gaudy floorshow that is the festive season.
'We want to further assure you our partners that these donations will be used for the purpose intended, and warn our staffs that it must not be used for floorshow or big bluff, simply because you have a vehicle or a motorbike that is assigned to you', Director Wreh cautions the staff.
Whether finding cool resilience against the odds or testifying to some jagged funk blues on the pounding floorshow of Dinner & Diatribes, Hozier is a cut above.
Despite being slightly disappointed with the food we did enjoy the fantastic and fantastical cocktail-making that was almost like a floorshow.
All the musical numbers were executed with energy, enthusiasm and fun, two stood out for me 'Macarthur Park' and the creative 'Casino Floorshow Montage' leading to the spectacular show stopping finale in the reprise of 'I Will Survive.' However, delve beneath the glamour and glitz of this sparkling show, you will find there is a parallel story of friendship, love and understanding between the three men on a voyage of self-discovery all adding to this dazzling musical brimming with humour and heart.
The Polaroid Pop made its debut on the floorshow of CES 2017 in Las Vegas.
Aside from the flooding and censored floorshow, the 1967 meeting was significant because the first Janet Doe lecture was presented there.
The plebs just adore a great floorshow. It will never occur to them that the final outcome of COP21 will be no different from COP20/19/18, etc.
Taking centerstage at a magnificent floorshow, two tuxedoed gents tap-dance inside giant bubbles--a metaphor for the grand illusions floating around the 1920s Shanghai where "Gone With the Bullets" is set.
Pluses: Running culinary floorshow, more interesting if you're bilingual; with plenty of snap in flavorful main courses.